Chapter 46 - Press Release

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                                        Wednesday 16th March 1986. 


Michelle stirred from an exhausted sleep as the first fingers of dawn touched the room.  She watched helplessly as the man she adored battled for his life. Machines bleeped and the soft whoosh of the ventilator making him breathe filled the room. She held his hand and gently stroked his fingers.

“Come back to me Paul,” she whispered, kissing his hand. “Don’t leave us. Not yet. Please!” Tears began to fall as she looked at his once handsome face, now bruised, cut and swollen.

She was aware that the door had opened. Michelle turned to find the policeman on guard telling her she had a visitor. Cautiously she stood up and, after wiping her eyes, she looked through the open door.

“Mike!” It was Paul’s brother.

“Oh Michelle,” He hugged her, “I came as soon as you told me. How is he? And why the police guard?”

She shook her head sadly. “There’s been no change from when I first rang you. I’m waiting for the doctor to come back with some test results. We might know more then.”

“I couldn’t believe it when you phoned with the news! What happened? Were you or Michael hurt?”

“NO … thankfully Michael was at home. Paul and I were walking back from his school parent’s evening. A car came from no where and hit him, then drove off at speed,” her voice wavered as the tears began to fall, “Oh Mike, the police think it was deliberate! That’s why the police are outside!”

“Deliberate? No! Why would any one want to hurt Paul?”

Michelle gave a slight shrug. “Paul has had some threats made against him over the last few months. It was being investigated but you know what he's like. He didn't take it seriously.” Her voice tailed off.

Michael looked at the form that was his brother. “How bad is he?”

“He has internal injuries. They’ve discussed operating but have said he isn’t stable enough yet. Both legs are broken and he has a fractured skull.” Suddenly she broke down, “Oh Mike, it was horrible! One minute he was holding my hand, the next….”

“Shhhhh,” he soothed, still hugging her, “Don’t think about that now. Getting him better is the main thing!”

After a gentle knock, the door opened again. “Mrs. McCartney?”


“I wonder if I could speak with you please?” He looked at Michael.

“This is Paul’s brother,” she replied softly, “This is Mike. Please, talk to us both. That’s fine. Do you have the test results yet?”

The doctor led them both to his office.

“Mrs. McCartney, as we suspected, your husband has suffered significant injuries. These include a ruptured spleen, damage to both liver and kidneys, his pelvis has been shattered and he has seven broken ribs and a collapsed lung.” He paused to allow them both time to process the information.  “However, that is not all. As I explained to you earlier Mrs. McCartney, we are particularly concerned about your husband’s head injury. We have carried out scans and other tests and I am afraid the results are not good. I’m so sorry but your husband shows no brain activity at all.  From this we can conclude he is brain dead.  Do you understand what that means?”

Michelle shook her head, bewildered.

“Maybe you could explain,” said Mike gently, “just so we’re clear?”

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