Chapter 17 - Christmas

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Michelle found the journey to Liverpool very tiring and, to Paul's amusement, slept for much of the way. He shook her awake as he parked the car in the driveway..

"We're here love! Come on -Angie will have something for us to eat then we can relax."

Michelle, somewhat nervously, climbed stiffly out of the car and followed Paul up the path to the door. The door was opened by a dark haired woman, a little older than Paul.

"Come on in," she welcomed, giving them both a hug. "You must be exhausted! James! James! - they're here!"

They followed Angie into the living room where James sat. He got to his feet to welcome his son. He then turned his attention to Michelle.

"Hello there lass, let's have a look at you then?"

Michelle smiled and hugged the man. She was genuinely fond of him "How are you James?" she asked softly.

"Mustn't  grumble," the old man said, sitting down again. "Sit down the pair of you. So Michelle, how's my grandchild doing?"

Michelle grinned and put her hand on her already swollen stomach. "Baby is fine," she said softly, "And I'm starting to feel it moving now! Everything is going really well James, the doctors are really pleased and Paul has been looking after me too!"

"Good to hear lass, though I still think you should be married by now..."

"Dad I've told you why we can't get married yet!" said Paul, noticing how the smile fell from Michelle's face. "Don't give her grief over that now dad!"

James looked at Michelle. He saw her panic stricken face. "Sorry love," he said gruffly to her, "There's no shame in what you two are doing, and as you say, you and Paul intend to get married when you can!"

Angie appeared in the room bringing drinks. "Food will be ready in about ten minutes," she said, "I hope you're both hungry! Michelle, is there anything you can't eat at the moment?"

"No thanks Angie I'm alright now. All that stage has passed."

"Great, right I'm back in the kitchen, see you in a few minutes.." Michelle stood up. "I'll go and give Angie a hand whilst you catch up with your dad."

Michelle wandered into the kitchen. "Is there anything I can do to help?" she asked.

"No thanks Michelle, just sit and talk to me if you'd like." Angie  replied. Michelle sat down. "So how are you anyway? How's baby?"

Michelle smiled and stroked her stomach. "Everythings great," she said proudly, "I'm now 19 weeks and baby is doing fine. Paul's getting more and more excited too!"

"Nearly half way through already! Gosh that's gone quick! What would you like - a boy or a girl?"

"I don't mind if I'm honest. I just want it born safely and everything to be alright. I think Paul would like a boy though if I'm honest. He's not said so but he was saying how the name James is a family tradition for all first born sons. I'd like to be able to help him make that tradition carry on."

"Jim's excited, even more so than when Mike's wife was expecting! I think he's hoping for a boy too!"

Angie called the others through to the dining room and they ate a lovely meal together, catching upon things and enjoying the company. Michelle watched Paul enjoy some banter with his dad and was also pleased to see how he was also more at ease with Angie, his step mother. As the meal drew to an end the door bell rang.

"That'll be Mike and the girls. Open the door son."

Michelle heard the noise as Paul was greeted by his young nieces and their parents. They followed him into the dining room and filled the remaining chairs around the table. Mike greeted Michelle with a big hug and commented on how pregnant she was now looking. His wife greeted her in a friendly manner and sat down next to her. Michelle made polite chat with her, as they had never spoken much before. Mike's daughters, age 3 and 4 were lively and made a bee line for Uncle Paul who was as mad as they were. With in minutes of their arrival he was rolling on the floor wrestling with them, the room filled with their squeals of laughter. Mike shook his head.

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