Chapter 44 - New Beginnings.

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As the children ate breakfast, Michelle watched Paul from the kitchen as he phoned George Martin. The call seemed to last forever. Paul made lots of notes and seemed to be talking as much as listening. Finally he put the phone down and came into the kitchen. Michelle looked up at him expectantly.

“Have they finished?” he asked quietly, gesturing to the children.

Michelle nodded.

“Right you three,” he said directly to them, “how about a treat? Who wants to watch 101 Dalmatians?”

The children ran to Paul, squealing with excitement, as both he and Michelle limited TV watching.  Once settled in front of the film, still close to their parents, Paul sat at the kitchen table with Michelle. She handed him a cup of tea.

“I’m guessing the film treat was so we could talk?”

Paul smiled, sipped his tea then looked at his notes. Michelle could feel his excitement even before he spoke.

“Right, are you ready for this? I’ve been asked to compose both the theme song and the incidental music for a new James Bond film. George Martin has been asked to produce it. It’ll involve orchestration and other things. I’d be working closely with the actual film directors for the incidental music as all film footage has been done. I’d be expected to attend the premier in London when the film is screened. Finally, I’d be paid this amount for the work, plus royalties.”

He turned his note pad to face her. On it was written an enormous amount of money.

Michelle gasped. "NO!"

Paul grinned. “I know. Mad isn’t it but apparently the producer is a big fan and wants me to do it, hence the amount! According to George Martin, they think that offering me that much would tempt me out of my 'retirement' as they're calling it and back into working again.”

“And does it?” she asked softly, “tempt you back again."

“The money alone doesn’t,” he replied, “but, if I’m honest, the job definately does. Were you serious yesterday? When you said you’d come back to London so I could do it?”


Paul smiled at her. “I also had another idea.”

“What’s that?” Michelle looked puzzled.

“The children are now nearly old enough to start nursery so,” he paused, watching how her face changed, “how about if we could find somewhere or someone to look after the children for some of the time, then you and I do this together?”

Michelle was stunned. “Together? But…”  Her voice tailed away.

“I’d have to work with someone on the orchestration. Why not you? You’re fabulous at what you do and you know how I work.” He paused, “and if I’m honest, I’m not sure I could do it all on my own. It’s been so long since I’ve worked seriously and I’m used to having someone to collaborate with. What do you think?”

Paul and Michelle began working just a month later. To Michelle’s delight, Rose arrived at Cavendish Avenue a few days after the family had moved back, offering her services. She enthusiastically agreed to move back in with the family, having missed them terribly during her temporary “retirement” as she called it. Michelle and Paul worked from home as much as possible, as all they needed was somewhere quiet and a piano for much of the work whilst Rose cared for the children.

News spread quickly that Paul was working on the film music and he was badgered for interviews. The film company had asked to film him at work as part of the promotional material for the music. To Michelle’s surprise, Paul was reluctant to be interviewed. In the past it had been something he had enjoyed.

“Aren’t interviews expected as part of the job love?” she asked him gently after he had turned another offer down.

He looked at her. “Probably…but…” He stopped midsentence.

“But what love?”

“This is going to sound really stupid but…I feel nervous at doing interviews on my own. In the past it was always with the rest of the band.” He shrugged. “I’d end up making a real fool of myself.”

“Oh Paul, you wouldn’t!” Michelle hugged him. “Sometimes you totally bewilder me! How can a man with your talent be so filled with self doubt in what you do so well?”

“Do the interviews with me.” he said suddenly.


“Why not? You’re my writing partner, the same way as John was.”

Michelle looked into the soft brown eyes she loved so much. “Would it help you believe in yourself more if I said yes?” she whispered.

He kissed her softly. “Yes.”

“OK then. I’ll do it!”

 For Michelle and Paul, family life back in London proved to be more fantastic than they could have imagined it could be. The children began to attend nursery school and loved every minute of it. This enabled Paul and Michelle to devote more and more time to rebuilding his musical career. He released several albums, all of which were an amazing success. His music was played constantly on the radio and it was something of an ironic moment when, sat in the car coming home from nursery one day, the children joined in with a song on the radio, unaware it was their own father singing it!

As the time passed, the children grew up and started school. They were three very happy, intelligent, individual little people who were the pride and joy of their parents. Paul’s musical career meant that once more fans hung around the front of the house, hoping to catch a glimpse of him. At first this had confused the children until Michelle explained to them that it was because they wanted to see their daddy because he was famous and what that meant. They accepted the information very matter of fact, much to her amusement. However, her conversation obviously had more impact on the children than she had realized. During the family evening meal that same evening, six year old Alice turned to her dad and announced “Daddy, you’re Paul McCartney and you’re a famous musician!”

 When James and Kathryn were nine years old, and Alice just eight, Michelle stunned Paul with the unexpected news that she was pregnant again! After their initial shock, the excitement of a new baby ran throughout the whole family. The pregnancy progressed well and Michelle gave birth to a little boy, named Michael (after Paul’s brother), in March 1977. Present at his birth, as he had been for all his children, Paul held his new son for the first time and gave a silent prayer of thanks that Michelle had taken him back all those years ago.

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