Chapter 25 - The journey.

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Michelle joined the rest of the group in the dining room. She felt a peaceful calm flow over her. Looking back, reliving those difficult memories had been... healing? Unable to really put into words how it had made her feel, she listened to the chat around her and relaxed for the first time in weeks. As the meal drew to an end, a small group left the table and headed to the piano. Remembering what Helen had said about playing for them, she got up and joined them.

"If it's any help, I can play the piano." She offered.

The piano stool was immediately vacated and she sat down. The group huddled around the body of the instrument and waited. Michelle sat down and played a few chords, getting a feel for the keyboard. She groaned inwardly to herself as she heard how badly out of tune it was. 

"How about this?" She began to play, a lively rendition of 'Rock around the clock'. 

The group watched then cheered and sang along. Staff came to join the group. Michelle spotted Helen watching her with interest from the doorway. She grinned at her and carried on. People began to call for requests. As expected, many of them were for Beatles' songs. She played and sang along with them and found she was enjoying herself immensely. After singing several songs Michelle introduced different music and even taught the group an English folk song. At 9.30pm warm drinks were made and the group slowly dispersed to be ready for the 10pm bedtime curfew. Michelle stayed at the piano and played a slow gentle classical piece as people relaxed. As the evening drew to an end, the other members of the group thanked her and praised her. Michelle went off to bed happy.

Michelle found her time at the unit improve greatly now that she had begun to mix with the other patients. She found many were suffering in a similar way to herself and had spent time talking with them about their and her own life. She continued therapy sessions on a daily basis and was beginning to feel like her old self again. She was now allowed visits from Paul, who was amazed at how different she now was. Helen remained cautious. Although she accepted Michelle's improvement, she also knew that the medication she took several times a day, had contributed significantly.

The next session, Helen decided to put some pressure on Michelle to see how she coped.

"For today," she began, "I want to look at the future for you. How do you see yourself, lets say three months from now"

Michelle looked surprised. "...I've never really thought about it but... well firstly I'd like to think I would be well enough to be out of here! Back home with Paul and maybe working again."

"What about you and Paul? What do you see as your future together?"

Michelle's face fell. Helen realized she had hit on something the young woman in front of wasn't ready to face.

"What do you mean? Our future? Has Paul said something?" Michelle was panic stricken.

No, no not at all but .... I remember you telling me that you had originally planned to get married when Paul returned from Australia. Do you think you will still get married?"

"There's no reason now is there?" Michelle was very matter of act.


Michelle felt tears spring in her eyes. "No Jess."

"So Paul was only going to marry you because of your pregnancy? Is that what you think?"

Michelle blinked, shocked at the implication of the question. "No! ...well were going to get married anyway ....I think....we got engaged so...."

"You don't sound very convinced Michelle."

Michelle shook her head. "I'm not ...not now anyway...things are different now  ....I don't know if he would want to marry me or even if I should marry him."

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