Chapter 18 - The Arrival.

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Michelle found adjusting to Paul's absence strange and difficult this time, even though it wasn't the first time they had been separated from each other. As promised, he rang her regularly, usually from some hotel before going off to the next concert. He sounded tired, she noticed, and said he missed her terribly! Australia was very hot, he told he,  but they weren't able to go out much because of the fans. The concerts were going well though. They discussed how she was and their plans for when he came home.

Whilst Paul was away, Michelle stopped working, owing to her growing pregnancy. She kept up her regularly appointments with Richard and her obstetrician Jane Rothwell. Everything seemed to be going smoothly. One morning, Michelle was awoken early by a strange aching pain in her groin area.  She lay still and focused on the pain and tried to relax it from her. She knew straight away that it wasn't a contraction of any kind so tried not to worry too much. She remembered turning over suddenly in the night and assumed she had pulled a muscle or something. She tried to settle, telling herself she would ring Richard once it was time. She somehow managed to dose off again. She awoke suddenly again and glanced at the clock. It was 8.30am. As she sat up she became aware of the pain again. She got out of bed and went downstairs to find Rose.

"Rose, I've got a funny pain here!" Rose heard the catch of tears in her voice.

Rose looked at where Michelle was holding herself. "Is it there all the time or does it come and go?"

"It's all the time Rose. It's not contractions if that's what you're thinking! I turned over last night, maybe I've pulled something?"

"Possible," said Rose nodding, "but I think you'd be better getting checked just to be on the safe side. I'll ring Jane for you."

Michelle spoke briefly on the phone to Jane who told her to come in to be checked. When she arrived she found Richard waiting for her.

"Morning love, what's the matter?"

Michelle explained to both doctors about the strange but persistent pain in her side. Jane felt her tummy and confirmed that the pain wasn't contractions. She went on to monitor the baby's heart beat which was strong and regular.

"I think the chances are that you've either pulled a muscle or strained something that's being stretched because of the pregnancy. It's definitely not contractions and baby is fine. Just rest for a few days Michelle. Avoid stretching or lifting and be careful turning over in bed and see how it goes. If it gets worse or you have anything else that concerns you, ring me immediately. You're now 24 weeks pregnant aren't you?"

Michelle nodded.

"How long is it now until Paul's home?" Jane asked.

"Six more weeks," Michelle replied, "It feels like forever!"

Richard drove Michelle home and then explained to Rose what they thought the pain was.  The pain persisted for a few days then, to Michelle's delight, it vanished. She maintained her antenatal appointments and was comforted with the knowledge that all seemed to be well. About three weeks after this Michelle awoke early to pay a visit to the bathroom. There she discovered to her horror that she had started bleeding. Trying to remain calm, she woke Rose who immediately took her to the hospital. Jane was on duty and examined Michelle gently to establish what was happening. Michelle was deeply anxious and stressed throughout. Then Richard arrived, causing Michelle to panic even more. Jane came to speak to Michelle to hopefully calm all her fears.

"I've called Richard because I thought you might like some company with Paul being away," said Jane softly, "there's no other reason Michelle. I've checked both you and the baby. Baby's heartbeat is a little bit raised but that's not too worrying. Your blood pressure is normal and you're not having contractions. The bleeding is slight Michelle, even though it might look a lot to you. We'll admit you, bed rest and monitor what's going on. You're 27 weeks pregnant now aren't you?"

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