Chapter 23 - Balancing Act.

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Michelle slept undisturbed for the night, the change over as the shifts altered went unnoticed. The following morning Helen came into her room and was surprised to find she was not yet up.  Michelle was lying on her side, awake but staring into space, unseeing of anything around her. Helen attempted to rouse her but got no reaction. She spoke to her directly and again noted no response.  She called her colleague who had covered the night duty. Nothing had been reported about Michelle other than she had had a quiet night and seemed to sleep all the time. She came to examine Michelle, who remained staring, still and impassive. She agreed with Helen's diagnosis. Helen left the room and made a call. The call was to ask Paul to come in.

As he arrived at the hospital, he was greeted by a flushed Helen. "What's happened?" he asked, clearly concerned.

"Michelle has suffered some kind of set back during the night. She is unresponsive to anyone that speaks to her. We're hoping that seeing you may change this."

She led him into the room. He could see Michelle lying very still but apparently awake. He called her name but she did not stir. He stood by her bed and lowered his face level with hers.

"Hello Michelle my darling, surprise!" he whispered. Her eyes did not flicker or show any glimmer of recognition. His heart sank. "Talk to me love. I've come to see you."

She slowly raised her eyes to him, then closed them.   Paul was panic stricken. "Michelle, talk to me love." He pleaded.

Helen beckoned him to her. Following Helen out of the room "What's happened to her? She seems so much worse than when I left her!"

"I was thinking that Michelle had suffered a total mental breakdown. We knew when she was admitted that she was close to this point. However, although she wouldn't speak to you she did at least acknowledge you were there. That was a good sign. I think she's still shocked from yesterday. I'll try again with her to see if I can coax her to speak."

"A breakdown! No! So what happens now?" He was frantic.

"As I explained on the phone Paul, today we will be starting her on a course of antidepressants medication. It will help her with the anxiety as well as the low mood problems she experiencing. Then we'll go from there." She smiled reassuringly at him. "This is perfectly normal Paul. I know it's hard for loved ones to see but I promise you it's a normal part of the condition she's displaying."

"Can I try again to see of she'll speak to me. Please?"

Helen nodded and together they walked back into the room. Paul sat by the bed, once more he lowered his face close to her and gave her the softest kiss on the end of her nose. "I love you." he whispered.

Suddenly her eyes opened and Michelle looked at him. She gave him a slightest smile.

"Talk to me sweetheart." again he whispered, making the whole interaction private for them alone despite the others in the room. "Do you love me? "

Again she gave him a barely percetable nod and a smile.

He held her hand, concern in her eyes. "Will you sit up for me please Michelle? Let me see you're OK?"

Michelle began to move. Holding both hands now Paul helped her up. Once she was sat up she put her arms around him. "Take me home," she whispered.

"I can't, you need to work with Helen to be well enough to come home. Will you do that for me? Work with them to help you?"


"Good girl ...will you talk to Helen now?"

Hesitating, she nodded . "Only if you stay with me...she scares me."

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