Chapter 19 - Letting Go.

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As dawn was breaking the following morning, an exhausted looking dark haired man approached the nurses station.

"Hello," he said softly, "I've come to see my fiancée, Michelle Bailey."

The midwife in charge immediately buzzed for the doctor. Paul was asked to sit in the waiting room until she arrived.

"Paul." Jane offered him her hand which he shook briefly.

"Why can't I see Michelle?" Paul was fearful.

"Paul, you can but I'd like to talk to you first."

"How is she? What's happened? The message I received was that there were complications and I was needed here with Michelle."

Jane gestured for Paul to sit. He sat down and looked at the doctor expectantly.

"Michelle buzzed for a midwife in the early hours of yesterday morning. On examination at 2.50am she was found to be in labour, totally unexpected. It was too far progressed to stop it. We don't know how long Michelle had been experiencing pains for but I can assure you Paul that until we discovered she was in labour, I had no concerns regarding Michelle's welfare or that of your baby. Michelle delivered a daughter at 3.17am this morning."

Paul's tired face lit up momentarily.The doctor sadly shook her head. "I'm so, so sorry Paul, your daughter was born dead. We tried to revive her but failed. It will be recorded as a still birth."

"No!" Even though said as a whisper, Jane could hear the anguish in his voice. "Oh please no, not that!"

"I'm sorry Paul. All I can do is assure you we did as much as we could for Michelle and your baby."

"How is Michelle?" he asked tearfully.

"Physically, the birth was straight forward and she's recovering well," she paused, "Unfortunately Michelle has reacted very badly to the news of your daughter. She has been very withdrawn and in shock. We've had to sedate her tonight in the hope that getting some rest helps her cope with what has happened."

Paul wiped the tears rolling down his face. "Can I see her?"

"She's sleeping Paul. You would be better to go home and rest. Come back tomorrow!"

"For Christ's sake," He was shouting now, "I've just got off a nightmare flight from Australia and come straight here! You've told me my baby is dead and then you expect me to just go and come back later!"

Jane looked startled at his outburst. "Paul, I appreciate that all this is a shock but Michelle is sedated. She'll sleep for hours yet."

"Then I'll just sit with her until she awakes." He looked at Jane, his temper gone, "Look, I'm sorry for my outburst – I need to be with her Jane – please."

Jane paused, considering the request. "Ok, come with me and I'll take you to her."

Paul followed Jane into the room. His eyes fell on Michelle lying in the bed. Even in her sleep, she looked lost, heavy dark rings circled her eyes. Every now and then, not stirring from her sleep, she gave soft sobs that broke his heart. He pulled a chair up by her bed and sat down.

"I'll make sure you're not disturbed. Jane whispered.

"Thanks Jane."

He was left alone with Michelle. His eyes studied her carefully. His eyes rested on the place where the mound that had once been where their baby was. The sadness, pouring from every inch of her body, filled the room. Paul put his head in his hands and sobbed, his heart breaking. He cried for the loss of his child. The child he would never have the joy to know and love. He cried for the heartache this event would cause them both and feared that Michelle would never recover from it.  He cried in despair and prayed that their relationship was strong enough to survive what had been thrown at them.

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