Chapter 29 - New Beginnings.

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Paul and Michelle were married on a bright, sunny August day surrounded by family and friends. It was the  moment Paul had begun to question if it would ever happen. With his brother Michael at his side, he turned as the Bridal March began and watched as Michelle walked up the aisle towards him, on the arm of George Martin. He found a lump in his throat for she looked stunningly beautiful in a full length fitted gown and short veil. Once she had been delivered to her husband to be, George took his seat and the service began. Michelle and Paul watched each other throughout the service and spoke their vows. Then, after signing the register, he took her into his arms and kissed her.

"You're officially mine now Mrs. McCartney. How does that feel?"

"It feels particularly wonderful Mr. McCartney. Thank you for making me the happiest woman on the planet!"

Somehow they had managed to keep the wedding secret from the press and fans. However, by the time the service was over and they stepped out into the street, word had escaped and they found themselves surrounded by photographers and cameras Paul and Michelle waved then escaped through the crowds to the awaiting car.

Later, at their reception in a stunningly decorated marquee in the garden, Paul and Michelle watched as Mike, his brother delivered his best man speech.

"As the 'little brother'," he began, "I've spent all my life watching my big brother do many things before me. He was the first to go to the grammer school. The first to get a girl friend. The first to leave home. I think the only thing I've done before you 'our kid' was get married!" Mike shook his head. "Now though,  he's been the first to travel the world, he's got world wide fame and hoards of adoring fans. I definitely don't have any of those! He seems to anyone looking in on his life, to have everything a man could wish for." He grinned at his brother, "Few people would realize that for Paul, despite everything seeming to be fantastic in his life, one thing was missing. That was, of course, the love of a good woman. Girls throwing themselves at him and the other Beatles is one thing, what I'm talking about is real love. The love that makes you whole, complete. He didn't have that but I do know that he wanted it. What person doesn't, let's be honest?

Now I first heard about the girl that Paul wanted in his life when he appeared unannounced at my house in Liverpool several years ago now? That right isn't it Our Kid?" He looked at his brother for confirmation. Paul grinned and gave him a 'thumbs up'. "I was stunned to find my brother was heart broken, devastated even. Apparently, he told me, the woman of his dreams had told him she wasn't interested. He was in bits. He'll kill me for saying this, but he cried over her."

Paul nodded and smiled as the rest of the guests all "awed" together.

"I spent a couple of days helping him drown his sorrows when, one day out of the blue, there was a knock on the door. When I opened it I found a girl asking for Paul. I originally thought she was a fan who had discovered Paul had come home. I have to say though, she was gorgeous but then she declared her undying love for my big brother!  I tried to deny he was home, to send her away then I discovered that this girl was Michelle. The woman who had stolen my brother's heart and that he had fallen for. Thankfully, due to the kindness of John Lennon, who drove Michelle to Liverpool, the two sorted out their problems. Their love blossomed and I've had the pleasure of watching my brother with the love of his life.

Over the years, I've got to know Michelle. She was shy of me at first.  I put it down to my amazing good looks! Infact, she's told me many times she'd fallen for the wrong brother!"

The audience laughed. Mike grinned and winked at Michelle. 

"When I first met Michelle I was struck by what a quiet, unassuming girl she was. She seemed to me at least, not the sort of woman I imagined our Paul would go for. However, the more I got to know her, the more I discovered why he loves her. Michelle is a truly beautiful person, not just on the outside, but on the inside too. She's the kindest, most caring and generous person I've ever met. She'll do anything for anyone. People amongst us now who know her well will also know what an intelligent, articulate and very witty young woman she is.

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