Chapter 15 - Unexpected.

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Summer moved to autumn and both were still very busy. Michelle was now working as a musician in an orchestra pit at a theatre in Drury lane whereas Paul was preparing for a new tour of Australia and New Zealand which was due to start immediately after Christmas.

By mid October Michelle seemed a little tense. Paul noticed but knew as ever, that Michelle would talk to him when she was ready. She remained as loving as ever, their love still strong and passionate. Michelle became more and more sure of something that was worrying her. Then in late October, she woke up feeling very sick. She managed to hide this from Paul but Rose was not so easy to fool. On the fourth morning of racing down the landing to the bathroom and vomiting, Michelle staggered out to find Rose waiting for her. Unspeaking, she walked back to the bedroom and sat wearily on the bed. Rose followed her. She sat on the bed next to her. The silence remained between them. Rose handed Michelle a glass of water. She took it gratefully and drank deeply.

"Try this," she said handing Michelle a biscuit, "Ginger is supposed to be good for soothing morning sickness."

Michelle took the biscuit and nibbled on it.

"That's what this is, isn't it, morning sickness?"

 "I think so..." she whispered.

"Does Paul know?"

"No, not yet."

"I didn't think so. Do you know how far on you are?"

She looked at Rose and for the first time, she looked scared. "I've missed two periods so far!

Rose looked concerned. "Have you seen a doctor yet?"

Michelle shook her head.

"Why haven't you done something about it sooner?"

 "I kept hoping I was wrong. I kept hoping I'd got my dates confused or something. I didn't want it to be happening! I'm certain I'm pregnant but..... Oh God – I'm going to be sick again!"

She returned from the bathroom pale and sweaty. She was shaking. "Oh Rose, I feel dreadful. I had nothing like this when I was pregnant before.... and I'm so very, very tired."

"This is typical morning sickness Michelle." She squeezed her hand, reassuring her, "You need to make an appointment to see Richard and for goodness sake tell Paul!"

"Oh Rose," she said, tears beginning to fall, "I'm so scared of telling Paul....what if he's angry with me?"

Rose shook her head and  her arm around her shoulders "Michelle sweetheart, Paul adores you, you know that...and the one thing he wants more than anything in his life is to be a dad. You know that! Doesn't he?"

"I know but...but we've not planned this. It's different if we were trying to make it happen. It just makes me feel.....scared!"

 "Michelle when will you accept that Paul is NOT and never will be, like Ian. Whatever happened to you in the past with Ian won't happen with Paul. He's not that kind of man, is he? Seriously, think about it Michelle. Would you really be here, after all this time, if Paul had been anything like Ian?"

Michelle gave a watery smile. "No, I know you're right...but..."

"It's understandable to be bervous Michelle. But you must never forget that you and Paul are in this together. The love you have shared together has made this happen together." She touched Michelle's stomach lightly, "There's a little baby in there with two parents who will love him or her forever. Am I right?"

Nodding, Michelle caressed her stomach. Rose reached over and gave her the phone. "Ring Richard."

 Michelle dialed the number and was put through to him. Michelle heard the soft Scottish accent greet her warmly.

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