Chapter 13 - Plans

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Once the fury regarding photographs had died down Michelle and Paul began to settle down again.  Paul was having a long break from recording as Christmas began to approach. Plans had been made and Christmas 1965 was to be spent in Liverpool with the McCartney clan. Michelle, unused to the madness of a large family gathering, loved every minute of it, relishing the chance to get to know Paul's dad James and his aunties that she had heard so much about. The whole family made it very clear to Paul how much they liked Michelle and the aunties told Michelle how she had had a fantastic effect on him.  Their own comments, in the privacy of their own room, caused them both much amusement. There was one comment which Paul had heard repeated from family members which he hadn't shared with Michelle though – that was the fact that they were living together like a married couple, so why weren't they married?

Once Christmas was over, Paul thought more and more about what he hoped would be the long term future for him and Michelle. He knew he wanted a wife and family one day and he knew wanted Michelle to be the person to make that dream happen. Finally, as the year moved into February and Michelle's birthday, he made a decision that was to transform their lives. The day before her 21st Birthday, Paul and Michelle were sat enjoying a quiet evening at home together. They were watching a TV programme, then, as it drew to an end, Paul went into the kitchen to get them both something to drink. As he returned to the room, he stood in front of Michelle who looked up at him, smiling.

 "What's the matter?" she asked.

"I need to talk to you," he said nervously and he switched off the television.

 "What about?" Michelle looked worried.

 Paul paused, then knelt down in front of her.

 "Michelle Bailey, you have been the most important thing in my life for the last fourteen months. I love you with all my heart and I want you to be in my life forever so..." he paused and took a blue velvet covered box from his pocket, "..will you do me the honour of agreeing to be my wife? Michelle, will you marry me?" He slowly opened the box to reveal the glistening diamonds it contained.

Michelle was momentarily stunned. This was totally unexpected. Although comments had been made about "in the future" and "when we have a family" marriage had never actually been discussed. She looked in to Paul's face, seeing a mix of excitement and nerves and she smiled  at him.

 "I would be honoured to be your wife Paul McCartney so yes, I will marry you!"

Paul whooped with joy and hugged her tightly. He gave her the blue velvet box so she could see clearly what it contained. She gasped. "Paul, they're stunning!" then she laughed, "But why are there two rings? Most women make do with one!"

"Ah well," he replied grinning, "there's a story to that. I couldn't decide which I liked best so I decided to buy both and let you decide if you said yes."

 Michelle laughed with him as he took the first ring from the box and placed it on her finger. She looked down at the three stunning diamonds set in a traditional row setting made from platinum. "Wow!" she breathed, "it's stunning!"

"Take it off and try the other one now!" he urged excitedly.

Slipping the ring off her finger she placed it back in the box as Paul then slid the second one on. This time she looked at the seven stone set flower cluster ring made from gold. It caught the light and the diamonds sparkled brightly. Michelle immediately knew which ring she liked the best.

"This one I love!" she announced, holding out her left hand for Paul  to see.

"That was my favourite too if I'm honest," said Paul solemnly. He kissed her left hand and looked at the ring.  The stones twinkled brightly. "It suits you too."

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