Chapter 42 - Explanations

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It was a few days later that Paul and Michelle welcomed a very excited Rose back from her Christmas break. Paul opened the door, holding the hand of James, who was determined to walk everywhere. Rose greeting him cheerfully then turned her attention to the child.

“My goodness,” she exclaimed, “Look at him!”

“Kathryn’s walking too,” said Paul, “so they’re both into EVERYTHING!”

“And how’s Michelle? And the new baby? I can’t wait to see them both!”

“They’re all in the living room,” said Paul grinning, “You take this one with you to see them and I’ll put the kettle on”

Michelle was sat on the sofa breastfeeding Alice, Kathryn by her side, half asleep.

“Rose! You’re not due back until Wednesday!”

“I was dying to see you all and especially this little one.” She sat by Michelle and peered at the new baby. “Oh Michelle, she’s gorgeous! What have you called her?”

“She’s Alice Jane.” said Michelle softly, moving gently to take the baby from her breast

“She’s so like Kathryn at that age.” commented Rose, looking at her closely.

“I know,” replied Michelle, “It’s like having her tiny all over again.”

Rose looked at the sleepy toddler by her mum’s side.

“Hello Kathryn,” she said. kneeling before her and giving her a kiss on her head, “Have you been a good girl for your mummy and daddy?” Kathryn smiled up at Rose but then snuggled closer to Michelle.

“They’ve both been fantastic,” said Michelle, “They’ve don’t seem to mind the invasion of this one here too much. They’re both walking now…and talking too. They’ve loved Christmas!”

“What about you and Paul? How’s things with you two?”

“We’re fine,” said Michelle, “and he’s been great with the children.”

“It said on the news that he delivered Alice, is that true?”

“I certainly did,” Paul answered for her, as he entered the room carrying a tray of drinks. He handed a drink and a biscuit to each child and then sat on the floor next to the James, who climbed on his knee. “And it was the most amazing thing I’ve ever experienced!”

“But why though? Why not in hospital?”

“A combination of a very fast labour and no ambulances available.” said Michelle grinning, “Actually, he was brilliant! And it was much nicer giving birth here than in hospital too. Richard and a midwife arrived just as she was born. Paul did everything else.”

Rose looked at Paul, who was smiling at Michelle, love in his eyes. Rose hoped Michelle wasn’t going to rush into making decisions about her future - with or without Paul. Now wasn’t the right time. She stood up.

“I’ll go and unpack then,” she said, “I’ll sort something out for dinner.”

“There’s no need to cook,” said Michelle, “Paul’s made something already – it’s in the oven cooking. They’ll be plenty for all of us Rose, so eat with us and tell us all your news too.”

Later, when the children were asleep, Michelle was alone in the living room. There was a gentle tap on the door.

“Come in.” called Michelle’s somewhat surprised voice. She looked up as the door opened. “You don’t have to knock Rose!

Rose came in quietly. “Have you got time for a catch up?”

“Of course. Sit down.”

"Well Michelle, call me nosey but how’s things with you and Paul? You all look very cosy together!”

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