Chapter 35 - More pain

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Michelle slept until the next morning. She awoke and, feeling slightly fuzzy headed, noticed Richard asleep in the chair near the bed. She remembered the events of the previous night and despite the urge to hide herself away, she knew she had to be strong for her children. She got up and dressed and tiptoed downstairs. Rose was in the kitchen, the twins sat in their high chairs eating pieces of soft toast.

“Michelle!” Rose was surprised to see her. “How are you love?”

“I’m Ok Rose.”

Rose raised her eyebrows at her.

“No seriously Rose, I’m OK. I can’t change Paul’s decision but at least now I know.” She paused, “So now I’ve got to focus on these two and this one.” She gently touched her swollen stomach.

Rose smiled. “Good for you and you know I’m here for a long as you need me.”

Impulsively Michelle hugged her. “I don’t know what I would do without you Rose. Thank you!”

Michelle kept her word and focused only on the children. She rested when they slept and took care of herself. Three or four weeks after Paul left, Michelle began to notice a lot of press near the house. This was unusual as it was normally fans who hung around. Michelle answered a knock at the door to find a reporter. “Mrs. McCartney,” he called before she could close the door, “Can you comment on the rumours that your husband has quit The Beatles?”

Michelle looked shocked. “I’m sorry. I have nothing to say.”

After closing the door Michelle immediately rang George martin and asked him about what the reporter has said. It was then that Michelle heard for the first time how not only had Paul left her but that no one else had seen him or knew where he was. Michelle put the phone down and returned to the kitchen, visibly upset.

“Michelle, what’s wrong?”

“It’s Paul,” she said tears in her eyes, “He’s missing! No one has seen him since he left here weeks ago. What could have happened to him Rose?”

Rose shook her head. “He’s a grown man Michelle, who has obviously decided to make substantial changes to his life. He could be anywhere!”

“What if he’s hurt or ill though? What if he needs help?”

“You need to concentrate on you and the twins Michelle. Paul isn’t your concern anymore!”

“But to me he is Rose. I love him so much,” said Michelle simply, “I can’t turn off my love for him despite what he’s done. I can’t forget he’s the father of my children.”

Over the next day or so the press interruptions to their life became unbearable. In desperation, Michelle agreed to make a press statement. Standing outside the gates to the house with Richard by her side, supporting her, Michelle gave a frank and deeply personal comment.

“Over the last few days my life has been made unbearable by the constant press interruption and intrusion. This has become so disrupted that my children have been disturbed when feeding or trying to sleep. This is unacceptable and can not go on. So, in order to stop disruption to my family life, I wish to make the following statement.

Four weeks ago, my husband Paul McCartney, announced that he no longer wanted to be married, and that he was seeing someone else that he wanted to be with. He left the house and I have not heard from him or seen him since. I do not know where he is, where he is staying or who he is with. I have no knowledge of anything to do with his intentions regarding The Beatles or any of their work.

I am sure you can appreciate that this has been a deeply upsetting and difficult time for my family. I now need to focus on caring for my children, who are only eight months old, and on my own health as you can no doubt see, I am six months pregnant with another baby.

Therefore, I request that all members of the press respect my need for privacy at this time. I ask that I am able to go about my daily business without being photographed or harassed and that the constant disruption at my home stops. I wish to thank you all in anticipation of this request.

I have nothing more I wish to say.

Thank you.”

Michelle turned to go back into the house. People called out to her, throwing more questions.

“Mrs. McCartney has nothing more to say for the moment. Thank you.” Richard, as ever came to her defense

A few weeks after this Michelle was sat eating breakfast when Rose came into the room with the post. She handed Michelle the collect of letters which she sifted through.

“Some of these are addressed to Paul. I don’t know whether to open them or just hang on to them.” She carried on looking and then stopped, surprised. “I wonder what this is?” She tore open a thick brown envelope and unfolded several sheets of paper inside. Michelle began to read then suddenly she placed the papers down on the table and put her head in her hands, tears rolling down her face.

“Michelle, Michelle, what is it?” Rose put her arm across her shoulders.

“He said he’d do it. Oh Rose – why? What went wrong?”

Rose picked the papers up off the table and looked at them. “Divorce papers? No!”

Michelle looked up nodding sadly. “He said before he left he wanted a divorce. I just didn’t expect it so soon. Maybe he wants to marry this new woman or something?”

Rose was still reading as Michelle spoke. “Oh my God, Michelle, you’d better read this!” She handed the papers back to her who scanned the section Rose had indicated.

“NO! NO WAY!” she stormed, “There’s no way I’m going to let him do that to me!”

Suddenly Michelle seemed to deflate before Rose’s eyes. All fight gone, she sobbed as though her heart was breaking. 

“Michelle love?” Richard’s voice was quiet and soothing. Michelle looked up, surprised.

“When did you get here?”

“Couple of minutes ago. Rose phoned – she was worried.”

Michelle managed a soft sad smile. “She’s a gem that woman. I don’t know what I’d do without her.”

“Can I see this letter Michelle?”

Nodding, Michelle handed him the papers. “Divorce paperwork,” she said simply, “But that’s not the issue. Read paragraph 8.”

“He’s saying that he questions your ability to look after the children on the grounds of your mental instability?  Psychological assessments? Custody of the children?  Is he mad?” Richard looked at Michelle. She could see his worry. “I think you need to appoint yourself a solicitor don’t you. Also, I could contact Helen Morris for you. Although Paul is asking for independent reports on you, I’m sure Helen will back you up too.”

Michelle nodded. “You’re right – do you know a good one? I can’t use Tom if he’s handling Paul’s side of things?”

“The one I have is excellent. I could give you the details – or better still, set up an appointment for you?”

“Thanks Richard.”

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