Chapter 41- Reasons.

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Michelle was discharged mid afternoon the following day.  Paul drove her and Alice home. As the car pulled up outside the house, it was surrounded by photographers. Michelle waved but covered her daughter’s face from the camera flashes.

“Where are the twins?” she asked looking around, “and this can’t be my house, it’s too tidy!!”

“George and Judy have taken them,” explained Paul nervously, “They thought you could do with one night with just Alice to cope with. They offered love, but if you’d rather they were here, I’ll go and get them.”

Michelle wrestled with herself for a moment. “No, it’s ok. It would be nice to have some time at home with Alice without the twins. I’ll give George and ring and say hello and thanks.”

She settled onto the sofa. Paul put her feet up for her too and gave her a soft blanket. Alice was placed in the small crib, once used by her sister which Paul had placed next to the sofa. He handed her a cup of tea and sat in the chair opposite.

After a quiet evening and Alice’s last feed, Michelle and Paul went up to bed.

“If you leave your door open Michelle, I’ll pass Alice to you to feed so you don’t have to get up. Then I’ll change her and settle her.”


As Michelle entered the room, she noticed that it had been cleaned and the bed changed following the surprise arrival of Alice two nights ago. She climbed into bed and despite feeling tired, she found she couldn’t sleep. Thoughts of Paul and what they had talked about whirled around her head. She sat up, Alice was still sleeping. She climbed out of bed and tiptoed down the landing to where Paul was. His door was wide open. Michelle looked in to see if he was sleeping. Almost instantly he turned to face her.

“Michelle? Are you all right?” He was out of bed and beside her.

“Sorry. I couldn’t sleep. The house is so quiet!” She shivered.

He led her back to the bed in his room and wrapped a cover around her.

“What do you mean, so quiet?”

She grinned. “There’s usually some sound from somewhere, even when the twins are asleep!”

He smiled. “Would you like a drink? Maybe that will help you sleep?”

“Oh yes, how about hot chocolate?”

“Right, you get in bed and I’ll go and make it.”

Paul vanished down stairs as Michelle climbed into the bed he had just vacated. It was still warm. She fluffed up the pillows and made herself comfy. When he reappeared, he looked a little shocked to see her in his bed.

“What?” said Michelle laughing, “We can’t talk in my room can we? We’ll wake Alice up. Anyway, it was warm!”

He sat on the end of the bed and handed Michelle her drink. She took a sip. “Mmmm, that’s lovely! Thank you!” She leaned back and closed her eyes briefly.

They drank in silence for a few minutes.

“When’s Alice due her feed?”

Opening her eyes, Michelle looked at the clock by the bed, “About another half an hour or so. There’s no point in me going to sleep just yet then is there?” She noticed he was shivering.

“Are you cold?”

“I’m just tired so it makes me feel cold,” he admitted softly, “The twins didn’t sleep much last night.”

Michelle nodded. She knew exactly how that felt. Impulsively she pulled back the covers. “Come in.”

Paul looked at her dubiously. “I don’t think that’s a good idea do you?"

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