Chapter 52 - Family

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The following morning Michelle awoke, confused and fuzzy headed. She tried to move her head but groaned with pain. A sharp pain on top of her left hand told her she had an IV drip attached.

“Morning  Michelle.”

She looked in the direction of where the voice came from. “George?.” Her voice croaked. Her throat felt sore, raw even and she tried to swallow. “Drink please.”

George Martin poured her a small glass of water and held it to her mouth as she drank clumsily but thirstily. After putting the glass down he pressed the call button. A young nurse entered the room and he informed her that she was now awake. By now Michelle had closed her eyes again in an attempt to ease the throbbing pain in her head. A few minute passed and a doctor entered the room.

“Mrs. McCartney, I’m Dr Wilson. How are you feeling?”

Michelle opened her eyes again. “My head…my throat…”

He nodded. “Both will improve if you drink water. Can you sit up do you think?”

He helped her to move herself into a sitting position and arranged the pillows to support her. She felt weak and ached all over her body. The doctor handed her another glass of water which she drank quickly. He refilled the glass and returned it to her.

“Drink it slower. Your sore throat is from the tube we used to pump your stomach. Your headache is due to dehydration. The IV and drinking water will help both.”

Michelle nodded and sipped the water. “When can I go home? My children will be worried about me.”

“You will be with us for a few days Mrs. McCartney. We will need to measure the toxicity levels in your blood and assess you liver function at regular intervals.”

The doctor sat on the edge of the bed facing her, his face serious. “Mrs. McCartney the amount of alcohol and pain killers found in your blood yesterday means that there is a risk of complications which need to be monitored closely.” He took her hand gently before continuing, “Also, after the events of last night, you will need to undergo a mental health assessment before your discharge and we will need to ensure appropriate support is put in place for you. OK?”

Michelle lay back against the pillows and closed her eyes. Facing up to her actions the previous night and why she had carried them out was going to be hard. She slept.

Some time later Michelle was awoken by the same doctor. “Mrs. McCartney.”


“There’s a man outside who claims to be your next of kin.”

“Who? I don’t have any family except my children.”

“He says his name is Mike. Tall, fair, Liverpool accent. Do you know him?”

Nodding, her heart sank. She didn’t want Mike to see her like this. “He’s my brother in law.

“Do you want to see him?”

Michelle knew she couldn't refuse. She couldn't turn him away after driving from Liverpool to be with her. “Yes.”

The doctor left the room. She closed her eyes again, dreading the moment when she would have to face Mike. The door swished softly over the floor as it opened. Mike sat on the chair next to the bed and gently took her hand.

“Michelle.” His voice was a soft whisper. “Michelle, it’s me. Mike.”

She slowly opened her eyes and gave him a weak, tired smile. Relief showed in his face and he smiled back at her.

My Michelle.- Complete Story!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant