Chapter 12:- Demons Defeated.

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 Within minutes Michelle was in the car and taken to the hospital. On entry she was rushed through. A doctor examined the cut above her eye. This time Paul  explained how the injury happened. The doctor was concerned, particularly because of the headache and loss of consciousness. He examined the rest of her head, particularly the area at the back which was injured as she fell.

 "Owww! That hurt! What did you touch?"

The doctor parted hair at the back to get a closer look. "You're bleeding," he said suddenly, "you've obviously hit something with a great force but the length of your hair has hidden the wound."

As the Doctor and two nurses began to clean and deal with the second injury Michelle suddenly blanched. Paul saw it. "Are you OK love?"

"I feel sick!"

The doctor turned his attention back to Michelle.

"That's not a good colour." he remarked, passing Michelle a bowl.

 Almost immediately she started being sick. The nurse removed the bowl and helped Michelle to clean herself up. Michelle suddenly groaned and grasped her head in her hands.

"My head," she said suddenly, "the pain! It feels like my head will explode!"  Michelle vomited for a second time.

The doctor flashed a light in Michelle's eyes, clearly concerned.

"We need to do an x-ray," he explain softly, "I think you're concussed which explains the vomiting and headache but we also need to check for any other damage."

Michelle nodded, tears pricking her eyes. Paul held her hand. "Don't worry," He whispered, "You'll be fine."

Michelle began to sweat and shake. "I feel really sick again." She whispered.

Suddenly her eyes rolled in her head. Her head fell back and she began shaking all over her body. The hospital room filled with people. Paul was ushered out of the room.

"Someone will speak to you as soon as we know what is wrong with Michelle." a senior nurse explained. Before he could ask anything else she vanished back into the room to Michelle, leaving him alone. It was sometime later that the doctor came to the waiting room to speak to him.

"Tests have shown that Michelle has a fracture to her skull, probably caused by the fall after she was punched. She's also got some swelling on the brain. She's been admitted to ICU for monitoring. You can go and see her."

 "Thank you," said Paul gratefully, "Doctor, she will be alright won't she?"

"In most cases people with this kind of injury make a full recovery. The brain swelling is the main concern and Michelle will be monitored closely whilst that subsides. The doctors in ICU will be able to give you more details of her treatment."

"Thank you," He repeated, too shocked to say much else.

Paul followed a young and clearly star struck young nurse along the corridors to ICU. Normally he would have made an effort to chat but tonight he was just too worried. The unit had its own reception area. He explained why he was there and then waited for a doctor to be available. Ten minutes....twenty minutes ...then just as Paul was losing patience, a doctor walked towards him."

"Mr. McCartney?"

"Yes," he said, standing up. "How's Michelle?"

"My name is Dr Johnston. If you would like to come this way, then I'll take you to see her and explain what her course of treatment is going to be."

Paul nodded and followed the doctor along a corridor. She stopped outside a small room. The door was closed but through the glass partition he could see Michelle.

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