Chapter 14 - Reunion.

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"When is Michelle back from Europe Paul?" John asked one day, in a lull in their work in the studio.

"Two more days," he said with obvious glee, "God I've missed her! It's been really long! Now I know how she feels when I go away!"

"What are you planning to do when she's back?"

Paul grinned suggestively, "You mean apart from the obvious?" he replied.,"Just be with her, enjoy being together again."

They carried on working. Hours passed but they showed no sign of finishing. They'd been working for hours but John seemed in no rush to go home.

"Doesn't Cynthia get fed up of you working so much?" Paul asked, "Ringo and George went hours ago."

John shrugged. "I've never asked her. It's my job so she has to live with it. Still, she doesn't mind. Michelle will have to get used to it once you're married or if you have kids."

"She's used to it now, " said Paul thoughtfully "but surely, with you having Julian, wouldn't you want things to be different?  I'd hate to miss out on time with my own kids when we have them."

John shrugged once more. "It's what dads do Paul. You work, the wife doesn't. You learn to live with it. You wouldn't want Michelle to work once you're married would you?"

 The band returned to the studio early the next day. They rehearsed and then recorded the track they had been working on. They carried on more, Paul driving things forward. Afternoon moved into early evening, he showed no sign of stopping despite the others wanting to finish. There was a minor dispute between Paul and the others. George Martin sat and waited, not willing to get involved unless it turned into a real argument. The studio door opened suddenly. A familiar face peeped round the door grinning.

"Michelle!" George whispered a greeting, "You're back already! Paul said you weren't back for a few more days! You're looking fabulous. It's been a good run then?"

 Michelle nodded. "It's been amazing but I thought I'd surprise Paul by coming back a few days early! Where is he?" she asked excitedly.

George indicated the studio and for the first time Michelle noticed the raise voices and angry exchanges.

"What's the matter with them?" she whispered.

"They're all exhausted! They all want to go home, Paul doesn't – all he wants to do is work. He's missing you too much and the house is lonely!"

 Michelle looked towards the man she loved. He looked tired she noticed and he'd lost weight, clearly he hadn't been sleeping or looking after himself properly. Her heart went out to him. She walked to the control microphone and turned it on.

"Do you think you boys could keep the noise down?  You can be heard at the other end of the building!"

The argument continued so Michelle, realising she had gone unheard over the noise, walked to the door of the control room and headed for the door to the studio. She walked in and stood by the door. Paul was shouting something to John, his back to the door. John, turning to face him, was about to retort  when he saw Michelle. He burst into a wide grin. Paul was still shouting, John's grin making him more annoyed.

"Paul," John tried to get his attention, "McCartney!" He gestured to the door behind him.  "PAUL!"

Paul stopped, and angry look on his face. "WHAT THE HELL....!"

"Turn around!"


 Ringo burst into the conversation. "For God sake McCartney, stop arguing and turn around man!" 

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