Chapter 27 - A New Beginning.

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Michelle was up and ready early the following day, fizzing with excitement. As usual, Helen outlined a list rules for the day. Just to the house, no visitors, medication needed for the rest of the day and strict instructions to return by 9.30pm.  Michelle knew how important it was to follow the instructions in order to show she was ready for longer visits leading to her eventual discharge. She was looking forward to going home, being with Paul, and seeing Rose and living normally for a while. Thankfully he arrived on time and, after a brief chat to Helen, they set off.

She found she was excited as the familiar streets came into view. Paul paused at the gates to the house, spoke through the intercom and the gates swung open. A group of fans she recognized waved to her so she wound the window down to say hello.

"Paul told us you were visiting today," one told her, "he was very excited! Are you getting back together?!" 

Michelle laughed nervously as he drove into the drive and the gates closed behind them.

"What did she mean, getting back together?" she asked Paul, looking worried.

"It's not common knowledge where you are love. The gossips have suggested we've split up."


Before anything more could be said, the door opened and Rose appeared at the top of the steps. Michelle got out of the car and ran to greet her with a hug. 

"Let me look at you," Rose said beaming, "Michelle, you look wonderful. Paul's been telling me how well you're doing!"

Holding her hand, she led Michelle to the kitchen. "I've been baking," she said, "I've made a Bakewell Tart and there's a pot of tea ready."

Michelle laughed as she sat down. "Rose you're wonderful!" She looked around the room. She realized how much she had missed home. 

Paul came into the kitchen and sat by her. He took her hand. "OK?" She nodded, grinning at him. The three spent a pleasant half hour eating delicious cake and talking.

"Right," she said suddenly, standing up, "I want to go round the whole house."

"Why?" He looked surprised.

"I don't know ....just to remind myself of home and you. Come with me." She took Paul's hand and pulled him to his feet. They walked along the hallway and into the living room. She looked around, taking in the homely feeling. Then she paused. "Oh's beautiful." She walked over to the mantelpiece where she picked up a dainty silver picture frame with the picture of her, Paul and Jess together.

He looked anxious. "You don't mind do you ...I'll put it away if you want?"

"No I love it! It's my favourite picture."

He hugged her and kissed her on the forehead. Michelle reached him and kissed him on the mouth, her tongue searching for his. Their kiss deepened then suddenly Paul broke away.

"What's the matter?"


"Me? What have I done?"

Paul looked at her. "Kissing me like that drives me wild woman. I want to throw you on the floor and have you here and now!"

"Oooh –is that a promise?" she teased, "I'm willing!"

He groaned. "Stop it Michelle!"

"Why? Has Helen set a sex ban or something?" He blushed. Michelle looked indignant. "She did, didn't she?"

"No not really. She just said take things slowly. Let you adjust to being home before we took things further. She doesn't want you to be overloaded."

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