Chapter 6 - Moving on

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The following morning,  whilst eating breakfast and chatting to Rose,  Michelle came into the room.

"Morning Michelle," said Rose cheerfully, "Would you like some breakfast?"

Yawning, Michelle sat down and rubbed her eyes. "No thanks Rose, I'm not hungry."

"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!" said Paul cheerfully, trying to lightened the mood that had filled the room.

Michelle managed a half-hearted smile then put her head in her hands. "I've got a banging headache – I've barely slept."

"I've got some Aspirin." Rose offered.

"Thanks Rose...that would be great."

A companionable silence settled in the room as Michelle drank a cup of tea and tried to shake off the weariness that enveloped her.

"Are you working today?"

"No – not today."

Rose placed a piece of toast in front of Michelle. "Eat – it will make you feel better."


"Does the lack of sleep mean that you've come to a decision about Ian?" Paul asked gently.

Michelle looked at him and her eyes filled with tears. She nodded miserably. "I don't have much choice do I? I'll have to say I'll press charges. I'm not going back to him that's for certain!"

"You're making the right choice Michelle. Do you want me to contact Tom then?"


"I'll do it now"

A few minutes he returned. "Can you see him today? He's keen to get things moving before the police do."



Michelle nodded.

Minutes later Paul came back into the room. "He wants to come here first, talk to you then go to the Police Station. He said he'll explain it all when he comes."

"I'd better go and get ready then, "said Michelle, "maybe a shower will help wake me up."

Midday came. Michelle waited nervously by the window, waiting for Tom to arrive.

"He's here!"

Rose showed him in to the room where both Michelle and Paul were waiting.

"Right," said Paul as Tom entered, "I'll leave you both to it."

"Paul, I'd like you to stay...Please. Another point of view would be useful."


"If Michelle is happy for you to be here then I see no problem."

Once everyone settled the session started. Once more Tom took some additional details of her "marriage" then delved deeper into what life had been like living with Ian. Then they moved on to the police station itself. The two were ushered into a room with the member of staff dealing with the case. Tom launched into his counter charges against Ian. Michelle sat in silence. She felt like she was making excuses for defending herself against Ian but she remained silent as Tom had told her to.  The officer turned and spoke to Michelle.

"Mrs McDonald, do you wish to file these charges against Ian McDonald?"

Turning to Tom, Michelle followed his lead. "Yes, but I'm not Mrs McDonald. My solicitor has just explained to you how I was duped and that my marriage wasn't actually a marriage."

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