Chapter 7 - More Secrets Revealed.

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Once the night of the party arrived. Paul waited impatiently for Michelle to appear. He carried a small corsage for her and had yet to see what she had chosen to wear. Finally, he heard her footsteps on the stairs. He went out into the hall the meet her. His first glance left him speechless. Michelle had chosen a vivid blue silk straight dress which swept over the soft curves of her body and stopped just above the knee. It was teamed with matching heeled shoes and clutch bag. The most striking thing about the whole outfit was her hair.

She smiled at him nervously, "Do I look alright?"

"Wow! You look amazing!" said Paul, "Absolutely amazing - WOW!...and your hair....its stunning! You should wear it like that all the time." He reached out to touch her hair which was loose down her back. Michelle shied away from his touch. Paul, seeing a flash of fear in her eyes, stepped back from her.

"Right, are we ready to go?" asked Michelle with forced brightness.

They got into the waiting car. The journey to the location of the premier was brief, only allowing for small talk. Then, as the car pulled up at the venue, it was enveloped by reporters and photographers. Michelle looked shocked.

"Don't worry about that lot," whispered Paul reassuringly, "Just smile, wave when I do and keep walking. We'll be out of the melee in seconds! Here, take my hand!"

 As they stepped from the car, hoards of fans shouted Paul's name. He waved and put his arm reassuringly around Michelle's waist. After posing momentarily for a few photographs, they were then swept inside the theatre. Michelle quickly spotted the other band members and their spouses. The evening began..... 

All too soon Michelle realized that it was three in the morning and it was time to leave. Paul gently draped his jacket over her shoulders to keep out the chill then led her to the waiting car. Yawning, Michelle settled herself on the seat beside him.

"Have you had a good time?" he asked smiling as she stifled yet another yawn.

"Fabulous," she replied, "but I'm not used to such late nights!" She was laughing now. "Thank you so much for inviting me Paul." She reached up and gave him the briefest of kisses on his cheek. He turned and looked at her in surprise.

"You didn't mind me doing that did you?" she asked softly smiling.

 His gaze never left her face. He gave a slight shake of his head. "You can do it again if you like."

Michelle laughed and reached up to kiss his other cheek. Paul responded and kissed her back in return, this time fully on the lips. At first he felt her try to pull away but then she responded.  Afterwards, smiling shyly, she nuzzled into him as he put his arm around her for the remainder of the journey. Once back in the house, a silence hung between them. Again he pulled her to him and kissed her. She willingly responded.

"I've wanted to kiss you and hold you like this for so long." he whispered in her ear.

More kissing and touching followed. Paul took her by the hand. "Upstairs?"

One word, loaded with promise. Breathless, Michelle nodded. In silence, he led her to his room. He held her close and ran his hand through her hair. Michelle trembled beneath his touch and he groaned with mounting desire for her.

"You are so beautiful."

Gently taking her face in his hands, again he kissed her, deep and passionate. She gave an aroused moan. Slowly he began to unzip her dress, placing soft feathery kisses around her neck in the process. Her dress slid from her shoulders. Continuing to kiss the pale soft skin revealed to him, he let it fall to the floor. Taking her hand, Michelle stepped out of it, leaving her shoes behind. Paul gazed at her, taking in her slim form, wearing the daintiest underwear. She smiled shyly at him.

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