Chapter 28 - Moving Forward.

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He pulled into the car park of the unit at exactly quarter past nine.

"What great timing was that?" he asked Michelle, trying to be more cheerful than he felt.

 Michelle gave a soft smile. "You're early!"

He parked and they talked, keen to make the most of the few precious minutes they had together. 

Michelle looked at her watch. "I suppose I'd better go in now." She felt tears threatened and blinked them back. She didn't want Paul or Helen to know she was upset. Paul put his arms around her and kissed her softly.

"Everything about yesterday and last night was amazing," he whispered, "I can't wait until you're home for good and we can be married."

Michelle looked into his eyes. "I don't want to leave you."

"I know love, I don't want you to go but it can't be much longer can it? " He kissed her again. "I love you Michelle Bailey, just keep telling yourself that. Think about August 17th. After that we'll be together forever. Mr. and Mrs. McCartney. How does that sound?" Paul looked up, "Here's Helen. She must have come out to look for you."

Michelle turned and opened the door. She stepped out of the car.

"Morning," she said brightly, "We made it despite the traffic!"

"Hello there," Helen smiled, "How are you today?"

"Great," Michelle grinned, "Actually, not great, more brilliant!" She turned to Paul who was now by her side. "Bye my love." She kissed him again then turned to Helen. "I've not had my medication yet, I didn't have enough – is Val in the pharmacy?"

With that she left both Paul and Helen together.

"Have you got time to talk?" she asked, "I'd be interested in how you feel Michelle was yesterday."

He looked at his watch, "Only about ten minutes to be honest, I'm working at eleven and I need to get back into the center of London.

They had a brief but very positive discussion about Michelle then Helen came back to look for Michelle. She expected her to be alone in her room, possibly a little tearful after leaving Paul but was surprised to find her in the day room talking quietly with a female patient who had arrived the day before. Michelle looked up as she came into the room. Helen gestured her. Michelle said something else to the woman she had been talking to then joined Helen in a meeting room.

"Have you had today's medication now?" she asked firstly, "and how was yesterday?"

"Yes to your first question and," she grinned, "fabulous to your second!"

Helen laughed. "Val sorted you out then? Good. Right, tell me about your day?"

Michelle briefly outlined the day spent with Paul. She admitted the problem of them both wanting to make love and how they had to spend sometime apart to calm the rising passions. She told her too about going into the nursery and of her discussion with Paul about Jess, Jane Rothwell and their future.

"Paul and I were due to get married on the 15th June," she said softly, "but I've told him no."


"Because it's only three weeks away and I wasn't sure if I'd be discharged by then. We've not cancelled it though – we wanted to change it to August. Do you think I'll be home by then?"

Helen smiled. "I'm expecting you to be home by the end of June at the earliest – but I think you've done the right thing in postponing it. It gives you more time to be ready for it amongst other things. I'm assuming from the wedding announcement that your discussion with Paul about Jane and Jess went well?"

Michelle smiled. "It was so nice. It was like all the things we had needed to say but were too scared of upsetting the other person about were finally said, if you know what I mean?"

Nodding Helen stood up, "I'm really pleased things are working out so well. Just be aware that sometimes you might have 'downers' whilst you're still moving forward. If you find that happening, please talk to someone about it."

"I definitely will," said Michelle very determined, "I don't want this to come back do I?"

"Good stuff. Right, you can go back to the day room if you're done. By the way Michelle, did our new patient speak to you?"

"Yes ...why?"

"She's not been too keen to communicate with staff that's all. Keep talking to her. Make her realize were here to help. She's not too happy about being here – like someone else used to be!"

Michelle grinned as she left the room. "I'll have to tell her how brilliant you are then won't I!"

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