Chapter 45 - March 1985

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 School run over, Michelle let herself back into the house and wandered through to the kitchen. Paul was sat waiting for her, he placed a coffee cup in front of her and kissed her on the head as he passed.

"Everybody get off OK?"

"Yes...they're all fine. Michael remembered a letter in his tray. He's got a parents evening coming up next week."

Paul laughed. "I bet that letter's been there weeks too."

Michelle smiled, thinking of her youngest son. At nine years old, remembering parents evening letters weren't a priority, she understood that.

"I told his teacher an appointment anytime would do – I've checked the diary, there's nothing booked in."

Paul nodded.

"What are you doing today?" Michelle asked her husband. She couldn't help but smile. She already knew the answer as he was humming continuously.

"I've got a tune in my head I thought I'd finish off."

"Is that the one you keep whistling?"

"Bits of it...actually it's something I started working on years ago then last track of. I found it amongst some old papers yesterday when I decided to do a tidy out. What about you?"

"I've got some jobs to do then Rose was supposed to be coming for coffee but she's not so good. Her daughter rang, she got flu. I might give her a ring, see how she is."

                                                 Tuesday 15th March 1985


"Mum!....Mum!...where's my PE kit?" Michael's voice could be heard from upstairs. Michelle grinned. "Paul, just go and tell him it's already packed whilst I finish this please."

Michelle smiled to herself she heard a PE kit discussion between father and son from the hallway. Finally Michael clattered into the kitchen.

"Morning mum," he said cheerfully, giving her his usual morning hug.

"Hello, sleep well?"



She watched the dark haired, brown eyed child, so like his father sit up at the table and begin to play thumb war with his dad. She placed his breakfast in front of him.

"Eat," she instructed firmly, "and you Paul, behave! I've said not to play that game at the table!"

"Sorry mum," said Paul, winking at his son. Michael grinned back and wiggled his thumb to his dad.

"Was your brother up Michael? Or any of the girls?"


"Speak properly!"

"Yes mum." He grinned at his dad.

Hearing voices of her three older children, Michelle placed a plate of toast on the table next to a selection of cereal boxes. First in was sixteen year old Alice. As usual she made a beeline for her father and hugged him. Alice and Paul shared a special relationship, drawn from the fact that he had delivered her as a tiny baby. She then hugged her mother before sitting down. The twins followed closely. Now seventeen, James was now nearly six foot tall and very like his mother. He said good morning and then pinched some toast off his younger brother's plate. Michael's voice rose in protest, to be silenced as Paul gave him a fresh piece. Last of all was Kathryn, tall and dark with the same long dark hair her mother had at that age. She came in, book in hand and sat down, reading.

"What's that you're reading love?" asked Michelle.

"Poetry...Seamus Heaney. I didn't do it last night...I was too tired."

"Eat as you read then. You won't get through today without something to eat!"

Finally, at 8.15am Paul stood up. "Right you lot," he announced, "Anyone requiring the services of Dad Cabs to be by the front door in 3 minutes. Got that?"

"Yes dad." Four voices answered him but no one moved -  except Paul, who went to put his shoes on.

Michelle laughed. "Come on you lot – get moving!" She shooed them all out of the kitchen as they hugged her and said goodbye. "Don't forget we're having tea early to night. Your dad and I have Michael's parents evening."

Michelle stood at the door and waved as the car moved away. Then, once it had turned out of the road, she walked back into the kitchen and began to clear up.

 At just after 7pm Michelle and Paul emerged into the evening darkness from Michael's school. They walked hand in hand, discussing how pleased they were with his progress.

"I think I'll take him to that Games Expo he was going on about as a reward for his good report." said Paul, "He'd enjoy that."

"He'll be your friend for life!" laughed Michelle, "and I bet James will want to come too!"

"It'll do him good to have a break from all his A level work if he did." said Paul, "Both he and Kathryn need a break more often. I worry about them working too hard."

"They're fine Paul...they know how to balance their studies. Anyway, if you take the boys out, I'll have to take the girls out!"

Paul clasped his had to his chest and groaned in mock pain. "Oh no...would my bank account cope!"

Michelle smacked him playfully, giggling. He grabbed her hand and pulled her into a hug. He kissed her softly. "God, I love you woman."

She kissed him in return, marveling at how much she still loved her husband, even after being together for over twenty years.

They continued walking, turning into the safe familiarity of Cavendish Avenue. As usual, the road was quiet. Being evening, there was never much traffic as it was an exclusive residential street. As they approached the house, a small group of fans hung around hoping to see Paul. They were always there and Michelle recognized many of them. They waved as they saw the couple approaching and Michelle waved back. Turning her attention back to the road, she paused.  Michelle looked first one way then the other. The road seemed clear. As was habit, Michelle checked the other direction once more. Immediately aware of a large black car travelling at some speed towards them, she stopped and pulled Paul's hand back. She wanted to let the vehicle pass them by before crossing. Suddenly the car seemed to be accelerating. Then, without warning, it mounted the kerb and ploughed towards them both. She heard someone scream and felt herself being pushed out of its path. There was a sickening thud followed by the screech of car tyres and the roar of an engine. Someone helped her back to her feet, she had no idea who. Dazed and confused, she looked around wildly. In the middle of the road, several metres away, lay a crumpled figure. Yelling for someone to call for an ambulance, she raced towards the person in the road, desperate to offer help.

 Then, her heart pounding, she fell to her knees and began to scream.

 It was Paul!

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