Chapter 16 - Breaking News.

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The following day Paul woke Michelle with breakfast. "Morning sleepy!" he said kissing her on the nose, "how are you and junior this morning?"

"I'm ok," said Michelle smiling back at him, "and junior doesn't seem to be making me feel too sick today either."

Paul sat on the bed facing her and watched her eat. "I was thinking that we should go and see grandad to be George today and tell him?"

Michelle's eyes widened in alarm. "Do you think he'll go mad at you?"

Paul shrugged. "Who knows?" he said, "But we are adults and not naughty kids for goodness sake! I want to tell him so we can get moving with a date for the wedding and everything."

Michelle nodded, "You're very keen on that."

"I know but I wanted us to be married before Christmas."

"Christmas?! Goodness Paul, we'll never get stuff sorted before then!"

"We'll have to," he said grimly, "I'm doing a 3 month tour of New Zealand and Australia, leaving on the 28th December – have you forgotten?"

Michelle looked surprised. "I had forgotten," she said apologetically, "with all the worry over being pregnant and telling you I'd forgotten."

Paul  smiled, "I thought you had....right, I'm going to have a shower. Eat up – we've got your favourite adopted dad to break the news to!"

An hour or so later, he parked the car outside George's house.


Michelle nodded. "Paul," she said suddenly, "let me tell George on my own."

"I though we'd agreed to do it together?"

"I know but....well...I want to tell him and explain how I feel and everything. Please."

"I don't want him to think I've not got the guts to stand up and tell him myself though. Especially if he's not too pleased with the news love."

"He won't Paul, I'll make sure he's clear on that. Please let me tell him on my own?"

"Ok...but I'll be outside the room. If he starts shouting or something I'll come in. I'm not having you upset or stressed. You know what Richard said."

They walked up to the door together and knocked. The door was opened by George who greeted them warmly and invited them in. He looked at them both. "Why do I get the feeling that there's something going on?" The question hung in the air then Michelle spoke. "Can I talk to you alone.... please George?"

He opened a door off the hallway and Michelle went inside. He followed her in and sat down. He gestured to the facing chair and Michelle sat down.


"Paul and I have come to tell you that we're getting married – as soon as possible."

"Why the rush?"

Michelle blushed, "Well....George, I'm three months pregnant and Paul and I are really pleased."

George shook his head. "Oh Michelle, how can you be so foolish? Surely...."

"What's foolish George?" Michelle asked suddenly, "I love Paul and he loves me – even you have admitted that! And yes, maybe getting pregnant before we married isn't ideal but Paul and I have made this baby though an act of love. That means the world to both of us! We haven't done anything wrong for goodness sake! Now George, you know how much I value what you think and say but I can't support your views on this. I am happy George, happier than I've ever been in my life. Paul's happy and we're both thrilled about the baby. I wanted to tell you this news today on my own because I need you support on this. I need the support of MY dad, because that's how I see you. You are the dad I've never had George and I want you to be as pleased and as excited as Paul and I are because this baby here...." She pointed to her stomach, "is going to need a whole family to love it. I particularly want Granddad George to be part of that family." She stopped and stared at him. Tears pricked her lids and she blinked, waiting for some reaction from him. He stood up and knelt in front of her. He puts his hands in hers.

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