A note

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I'm sorry that I'm not updating regularly like other authors. I'm literally irresponsible to make you all wait and waste your precious time on this story of mine. I know I've really no reasons to justify my actions, I can't tell I have no time, cause I've always had free times even if it's few hours a week. but  the thing is that my mind is not involved in any activities these days, I'm not studying properly even when I'm in the prefinal year of my chemical engineering course. Im not spending time with my friends anymore, truth to be told I recently broke ties with my best friend of 5 years. I don't go out or spend time with family or watch my favourite movie. I'm just sitting and wasting my time. Sleeping all my free hours, barely passing my exams.

I've always wanted to be a better person, a person who excels in everything they wanted to. And i was one, till two years back. I don't know what changed me, now I've lost the spark, still trying to figure out how to be back to my own self. And that's one of the reasons I started to write this story, I wanted to find an escape from my noisy household and my own thoughts. And I've really enjoyed.

I have really thought about dropping it half way, but it felt really wrong for those who have started reading this story. And another reason I didn't stop writing this is that, I felt this part of my life where I can write the contents close to my heart can never be gained again. Even when I graduate, even when I'm going to leave all my entertainments , hobbies and habits back to go and prepare for the toughest exam in my country to achieve my dream, even when I'm going to stop using wattpad, or any other social media's, even when I'm going to stop streaming the MVs of our boys back to back, cause I will be concentrating on my future, I will never forget these moments. I can never forget our boys, who found me in my lowest moments of my life.

I want to savour each and every moments, of this phase of my life, when I started to get to know our boys till the moment I'm going to leave all this behind.

Heck, I was blabbering. I'm sorry I've had no place to vent, so I'm taking this opportunity to do so.

And finally don't be afraid that I'll not finish this story. I'll definitely finish this one.

I'm getting a 3 week summer vacation, within 3 days. I'll try to finish this story within this period of time.

I hope u r all not so angry with me. Please dont be.

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