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Never thought fate could play funny games🎼

    Jungkook have been handling the company for the past year only. It's just a year and some months, from when he took the company in his hands because of his father's illness. Or he wouldn't have been here in the first place. In this course of time, yoongi took most of the matters in his hands, he would filter everything before handling it over to jungkook, and the younger was more than glad for this. Taehyung was not less, he was being the CEO of his company for the past 3 years, but he has been handling his company from the UK branch, which made his life very simple. Oh how much he regret deciding to run his company from his home country. It's been only 3 months he came to Korea... He was already here.

     Jungkook was brought back to reality by yoongi who nudged the Younger's shoulder. He didn't realize his mom was hugging him and was asking about his whereabouts. She was now dragging him to the couch where the others were seated. All the eyes in the room were sticked onto him except a pair, which was now calm and composed. The owner of those eyes is now calmy checking the phone which fell on the floor. He seemed to be more composed and comfortable. But that's really not the case, which was only known by the blondie himself. (Oh hey.. Tae is blond!)

      " Jungkookiee.. Meet kim Daehun my best buddy and his wife. You might have known him .He is the founder of Kim's jewels and car. The Elder jeon introduced his friend to his son, who greeted the couple politely.  He offered a polite smile to the kim couple when they complemented his talent and oh.. Not to forget about the looks.

     No one noticed the shift in the environment as the elders continued their conversation and occasionally asked something to the 4 younger boys. Jin was really involved in the talk with the elders that he didn't notice how taehyung has stopped talking, staring at his phone, hands slightly shaking which went unnoticed by everyone except yoongi. Who was now answering every questions thrown at him and the younger jeon, cause jungkook in no way can talk anything without bursting into rage. Everyone were escorted by Mr and Mrs jeon into the dining hall to continue the talk while eating. Taehyung was dragged by Jin who was very excited. Yoongi and jungkook shared a glance, while yoongi gave a assured nod to the younger while walking after him to the dining hall.

      "Okay kids, we have a surprise for you! " Mr jeon said  while raising his spoon, now this caught the attention of the young CEO's. Both averted their questioning eyes to the man who was talking now.

     "We have decided to marry jungkook and taehyung"

And there, Mr kim dropped the bomb. Jin was smiling eye to eye. The two older couples were exchanging glances and smiles.

    Jungkook's world seemed to be stopped. He felt like he can't breath anymore. Eyes stinging red. He really have to calm down if he don't want to create a mess, but that seemed impossible at this instant. Yoongi was holding jungkook's hand under the table squeezing it from time to time. He really want to leave the place right now. But stopping this  is very important right now.

"Da-" He was cut of by the blond, who took the matter in his hands.

"But dad! Why was I not informed about this? " He asked while slightly raising his voice. Jungkook's grip in his fork tightened while hearing that deep voice after so many years... He hates that, that very voice and it's owner!

"That's why we call it surprise taehyungiee" His mom said with a amused smile.

"Mom but-"  He was interrupted by his own father this time.

" Oh  come on tae, we all know about your single life, you really don't have anyone in your heart right now. And i know you are gay. Jungkook here is a very good man taehyung. I heard he has also studied in the same university as you before you decided to transfer to UK. This is also very important for our business.. Think about it son" Mr Kim said in a soft voice.

Taehyung's eyes we're filled with tears, he didn't raise his eyes from the plate. Jin sensed something was wrong with his younger brother, but he don't want to interfere in the elder's talk right now. He will talk about it later with his lil bro.

"We are not compelling any one son, jungook also don't know about this arrangement. This decision was soley took by me and Your dad, cause of many business reasons. But don't think this as a business child. We never thought it like that. We really like you, you two will be perfect for each other. The final decision is always yours, we are not going to go against any of your decisions tae. Kook? Why are you silent?? Are you not interested in this marriage jungkook? " His dad asked him.

Taehyung's heart started to beat violently. No. This can't happen. He is feeling sick in the stomach. He need to throw up. He should stop this. This. Should. Not. Happen. He don't want this to happen.
Why was jungkook not talking? Why was he not protesting this idea? If this happens jungook will never be happy. He will hate him more than ever. He can't stand that hate from his kookie. He really want jungkook to protest this idea. First to stop this arrangement. Second, he really wanna hear his voice. The younger didn't even speak a word the whole time. He was broke out from the thought when -

"I'm okay with this marriage dad" These words escaped from the younger mouth, who took the leave after muttering those words to the people with a very confused, frustrated yoongi following behind. Taehyung wanted this to be a dream. He wanted to wake up. He was not happy. He wanted to run. Run from that place.... But he can't do that.. Not now  atleast. He excused himself and walked towards the garden at the backyard.

'This can't happen'  was all taehyung thought. Before swatting down in the grass lawn.

Jungkook was standing in the balcony of his room with a cigarette between his fingers. He saw a someone sitting in the lawn with their hands balancing them. Oh jungkook knows who that is.
'I miss you Minjoon, I'll show him the hell'


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