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Maybe hating you is the only way it doesn't hurt 💔

The dinner was ended not so smoothly. The elder jeon was confused about his son's behavior but ignored it thinking he had some bad day. Anyways he gave consent for the marriage. However Mr kim knew that there is something wrong with his son and would check it immediately when they reach home. He is not going to do anything against his son's wish. They bid their farewell after sometime. Taehyung was already in the car when Mr and Mrs kim approached it. Taehyung didn't realize their parents were already in the car, he was staring outside without blinking. All the three other than taehyung made an eye contact. Jin just nodded his head before sitting beside taehyung. Mr kim sat in the driver seat and his wife in the passenger seat. The drive back home was very silent.


As soon as the kim's car is out of the mansion, yoongi came running to jungkook's room and barged in without knocking.

"The fuck is wrong with you jungkook!!! Why the hell would you do that? Is this any sick game jungkook??? Look at me when I'm talking to you! " Yoongi was fuming in anger. The younger chuckled at the state of his hyung. Last time yoongi acted like this was 5 years ago...

"Calm down hyung... " The younger said while talking the last puff from the cancer stick before crushing it with his slippers. He entered his room, closed the balcony door and sat in his bed. "Why don't you take a seat hyung? And tell me... Did mom and dad gone to sleep? " The younger asked while patting the place next to him for the elder to sit.

Yoongi sighed at this. He silently sat beside the younger. He have to handle this calmly.
"They were heading towards their room while I came upstairs. Probably have slept till now. "

The atmosphere were very silent... Not a pleasant one..


"I want this marriage to happen hyung.... Don't look at me like I've gone nuts or something.. I'm perfectly all right. "
He said looking at his hyung.

"You don't look alright jungkook. Hell you are not even in you right mind if you are going to accept this! "

"Oh hyung.. Trust me! I'm perfectly perfect. " He chuckled before continuing
"Why do you think I accept this hyung?
You know about our company conditions right? The recent backstab of those three bastards, they have 40 percent of our shares hyung. If media comes to know about this we would be doomed. I think this was one of the main reason dad thought about this marriage thingy. If we merge our companies together, we can come out of this problem within 3 months. " He said calmly.

" Don't tell me you are accepting this just to get out of this problem kook. We have many solutions to come out of thai"

" I know hyung.. I know.. We have many solutions... But why choosing some tough path than to just do this marriage and end this problem easily..." He said with a smirk.

" You are planning something kook. And I know that will not end good. If you think you can hurt him while accepting this, remember you are also going to destroy yourself. Please kook, let's just talk about this with your dad. Im sure he will understand " Elder said in a calm voice while placing his hand on the younger's.

"Oh no hyung! I'm not planning anything. But I'm sure he planned everything. Maybe he was the one who manipulated his and my dad for this. Ahh! He thinks Im that jungkook.. Nah nah! Two can play this game hyung. And ill make sure I win this time. I'll use him this time. For jeon's enterprises. " Jungkook said with a stern glace out through his window.

"You have gone nuts Jungkook. Don't do this.. You will also be affected.. Why would you marry someone whom you hate come on jungkook, looking at his face constantly is going to remind you of those days! Why the hell can't you understand. " He asked desperately. He really want the younger to stop this. He is really feeling helpless at this point.

"Why do i feel like you still care for him hyung? " The younger raised his eyebrows.

"You know that's not true jungkook. I'm scared for you... "

"If that's the case.. Leave it hyung. I nothing is gonna go wrong. And who said I'm gonna live forever in that marriage. I'm not an idiot hyung! I know what I'm doing. Please you don't worry hyung and make sure to inform dad that I don't need any grand wedding. We will just sign the certificates and also ask him to hurry! The sooner the merrier!" The younger slipped into the bed without giving any chance for his hyung to speak.

'This is going to be a disaster' the elder thought to himself. He really hope this marriage will not happen. Oh.. Taehyung still didn't give any consent for this right.. He can hope. Or will it be Taehyung's plan like the younger said.. Nono yoongi how can you think like this.. No.

As soon as the elder shut the door, jungkook sat up from the bed. He was lost in those thoughts again.


Hey, first thanks to whomever reading this. I'm really thankful to have you here in my journey. I started this as an escape from my stressful life. I really hope this is somewhat readable for you gyus. I really don't wanna waste your time by making you read some shits. I have a perfect story line in my head though!

I know this is going really slow.. But I want to make sure the basement is strong.

So please wait for some more chapeters until the real journey begun. Ooh taekook wedding , not in next chapter thought:)

Please feel free to comment anything regarding the story. You have all the rights to correct my grammatical or any other errrors! I really like to know the feedbacks. It ok even if it's negative ones.

Oh please forgive me if I update late. My life is a shit right now!!

Know that you are beautiful in your own ways. You are the best.

ApoBangpo 💜

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