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As the golden sun begins its ascent, its rays gently filter through the curtains, casting a warm glow upon Jungkook, who is peacefully asleep on his bed. The soft caress of sunlight dances upon his serene face, highlighting his features like a work of art. Slowly, he stirs from his slumber, his lashes fluttering open like delicate petals unfurling to greet the day. With a contented sigh, he stretches his arms towards the heavens, embracing the promise of a brand new dawn. But what confused him was the place he was in now, as soon as he found himself in his bed, he was jerked up sat on the fluffy matress trying to remember how he ended up in the bed.

He vaguely remember sleeping on the couch last night, then how the hell he was here? Anyways he gazed towards the clock which showed 8.40.
'Oh great, I overslept! ' . He woke up with a sligh neckpain due to the uncomfortable situation he slept yesterday. With no intention of ruining his day early in the morning he went inside the bathroom to finish his morning routine.

While on the other side of the mansion, taehyung was busy with himself in the kitchen. He came from the hospital earlier that day, cause he don't want to spend another minute in that lonely ward of his. So, as soon as the doctor came to check upon him in the morning, he got the permission to get from there. And like that, he took his phone and left his ward. Before leaving the hospital he reached the reception to ask for the bills but was informed that the payment was closed the previous day itself. He didn't ask the details, cause he knew who could have done that. With a small unrecognisable smile he left the hospital and took a taxt to reach the mansion. It was 6.40 when he reached.

With no further thoughts, he opened the main door and slipped inside. He assumed the younger was still asleep as there was not a single light which was on. Even though he was tired as hell, and his head was throbbing painfully he decided to make something for himself
As he didn't have anything the previous day. If not for the glucose trip in the hospital he would have been in a worst condition right now. He turned on the light of the living room while his stomach was growling for food. He sighed before draging himself towards the kitchen when he was startled by a sleeping jungkook.

    For a second he wanted to scream cause of the shock, but his weak self didn't allow him to do so. He closed his eyes to take some deep breaths to calm himself before opening them. He took some slow and steady steps , within no time he was in front of the sleeping man.
He was mesmerized by the younger. That man was hella handsome. He crouched so that his face was now in the same level as the younger. An urge to kiss those plump lips was pushing him. The youngers eyebrows, his pointy button nose, his thick eyelashes which fall on his cheeks, his pink lips, and his favourite one.. The scar on his cheek. He kept away the urge to kiss the man,  taking advantage of someone was never  Taehyung's thing, but resisting the younger at this rate is seeming impossible for the poor man. With tears stinging his eyes, he traced his long fingers on the scar of the younger. He pushed away the hair falling on the younger's fore head. He wanted to kiss him, hug him, laugh with him, eat  and sleep with him, cuddle him, live with him. But all his thought are seemingly irrational. Fuck.. That's impossible.

    He knew for a second, if the younger wake and look at taehyung near him right now, he would cause a big mess. But that's the last thing he worries about right now. He could feel his chest tighten at the thought of the younger not even Acknowledging him, that he didn't even notice the elder's absence at the mansion yesterday. He wanted to laugh, laugh at his fate for bringing him to this situation. He wanted to hold the man tighter, so that he would not leave him again. He wanted to mend everything, make it right. He wanted his everything back, his friend jimin, his hyungs, his love. But who is he kidding, the younger was  using him  just to leave the man after a year. The thought of getting divorce from the younger kills him.

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