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The morning came within the blink of an eye. The younger's sleep was disturbed by his own mobile phone, he hastily took the divice and shut it. Damn alarm. He rubbed his eyes and began to sit on the bed to rub off the sleep from his eyes so he can start his day. All of a sudden his body jolted up, the now fully awaken boy was painfully aware of the new surrounding and the cause of this. With a sign he was up now standing on his feets which were unconsciously dragging him towards the balcony.

    Now that he thinks about this, he didn't look at the house fully, he was angry and blinded by alcohol. No the younger don't forget things unlike other people who don't rember a single thing they have done when they are drunk. This man has a good memory even in his drunk state. Yes sometimes he don't have  control when he overdrink, but even then he remembers everything he has done the previous day. And yeah, he don't regret a single thing that happened yesterday. Kim deserves those.

   With those thoughts lingering at the back of his head, he opened the door which was on his way between him and the balcony. Fresh morning breeze caressing his face, the man was mesmerized by the view, a half purple sky blessed with dark clouds scattered here and there, one or two bright stars, competing with the sun and there.. There is the moon, not fully visible yet noticable. His eyes landed on the swimming pool. Oh we  have a  swimming pool too... And right the next second his eyes we're fixed on something and breath struck in his throat a gazebo.
He had always has hots for those vintage
Gazebos. He always wanted to have one when he built his own home with his partner. Too bad it's just for an year!

   With another tired yawn he started stretching with his eyes closed, nice now the balcony became his favorite spot in this house. After a few minutes of gazing at the sky lazily he went to the bathroom to carry his usual routine. The clock says 6.45 when he was finished with the shower. He dressed up in some simple wear for the time being as the office hour starts at 9, and he as a CEO was not expected to be present before 10 unless they have any important meetings.

    He tools lazy steps to the door of his own bedroom, the lock was twisted open and his eyes we're squinted with irritation as the belongings of certain someone was not cleared and was scattered along the hallway where he have thrown it the previous day. Not wanting to have some other annoying thoughts he avoided all those things, closed the door behind his back ,took a look at the next door for a split second before averting his gaze and strolled downstairs. Oh he forget to mention  a rolex of certain someone,which was thrown out with his other belongings were broken now , cause he stepped on them unintentionally.

    He stood there beside the fridge to look for something he can make for breakfast. After having an internal debate for almost a minute he was settlee with scrambled eggs and simple toast. He was plating his breakfast when he heard some foot steps approaching the kitchen. He decided not to give any attention and continued his plating. He took a carton of banana milk and settled on the dining table with his own breakfast.

   He was scrolling through his phone while taking some bits of his toast here and there, from the corner of his eyes he can find the elder standing in front of the refrigerator, he has been standing there for almost 5 minutes looks like he was debating something with himself. Aah..Whatever it's none of his business. He finished his carton of milk very soon, with a thought of replacing it with another one he averted his eyes to the refrigerator, when he saw the other sighing loudly before closing it , took a glass of water from the purifier before exiting the kitchen without making any noise.

   The younger was confused about his antiques but shrugged off cause he don't want to waste time thinking about something that's not worth it. He quickly replaced his own milk with a new one and finsihed his breakfast in another 5 minutes.

    He decided to take a stroll around the house as it's only 8.30. He was amused when he found out they have a gym, ph he is going to use it daily. Within next few minutes he was tired as hell cause of roaming so he fell face flat on the couch present in the living room. Before he could sit back , he heard the door click open and was met with the back of the elder leaving the house, claded with the suit. It's early... But who cares. All of a sudden the youngers eyes widened with a realization kim Taehyung don't know to cook. It had always been a disaster even in those days. He felt a small tug when he realised the elder went off without having breakfast. But hell who cares!? He deserves even more. He stood up on his feet deciding to dressed up and go to the company a little early today. He don't feel Like staying here for another minute.

  And that's what he did, within the next 45 minutes he found himself in the elevator of the jeon's . But what surprised him was......


You all saw 'Beyond The Star' teaser????
Woah!!! The taekook moment.. I'm screaming!!!! Yayyyyy!!!!


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