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At the mansion,

The mansion was pitch dark with no source of light neither from inside nor from the outside world. Who ever enters the mansion now would definitely trip off something, but the real consern is the younger CEO, who was sleeping on the couch in the sitting position, hands uncomfortably sprawled on the arm rest, with his phone on the floor which would have fallen down from the movements made by him while he was asleep.

The previous day was a hell. He rushed out of the office as soon as Taehyung left outside after the younger's burst out. He didn't care about any meetings or whatsover, simply sent a 'I'm leaving the office. Cancel all the meetings for today' to his yoongi and sped up by his car. He never cared about the destination he wanted to reach, cause all he wanted was to vent out everything running in his little head. Even though he yelled the things that has been pegging him to the elder, his mind was not calm. He should have been at peace after making the elder cry and run off from him. Hell he must be proud. But no, something is off.

He didn't care about violating the traffic, all he had in his mind was to escape. Escape from the elders thoughts. Thinking about the elder was irking him. He felt disgusting to even see that man. But still, there is something that was not placed correctly. His grip on the steering wheel tightened making his knuckle turn white, gaze sharp fixed ahead but not a concentrated one.

After driving for some 40 minutes, he was now standing in front of the Han river, his knees felt weak . He was starring at nothing when he heard his phone buzz, he raised it to check only to find yoongi asking him the reason for his absence. He simply switched off the device before pocketing it.

The place was not so crowded as it's an working day , to be more precise a peak working hour. He took a seat on a nearby bench before bending down, hands supporting his head. Tears falling in a series, he let out a sob before covering his mouth with his hands. No, he should not cry. Not anymore. Not when he has a perfect chance to take revenge for whatever he gone through the past. For the person he lost. His was pounding as he thought of the name. The name of the person he lost. The person he misses.

"I want you to know,
But i dont want to tell~"


He stilled at the memory. Those lines which were written for him, he found those written on a sticky note, being placed with a white rose, in his locker on a random day of his 1 st semester. He clearly remembering freaking out as soon as he found them, and -

He was cut off from his thoughts by a little girl, pulling his trouser with her tiny fist. A small smile broke off his lips, which was now slightly bleeding after all the bitings he made while crying. He consciously wiped off all the tears before crouching down to the height of the little girl who was now looking at him with her doe eyes.

" What do you want princess? Whats your name? " He caressed her hair while asking her.

" Me cwame here to ask uwncle why waz he crwing. Mama twold crwing ish bwad. So uwncle no crwy" She said in her baby tone making the boy chuckle.

"Oh, look who I found here! A little princess who don't want her uncle to cry. I'm not crying princess, uncle has something in my eyes, that's why my eyes are teary" He tried to convince her not linking the sad pout of the little girl.

"Lair" She pointes at him with her cute little finger, which the boy can't help but to chuckle.

"Okay okay. Leave it aside. Uncle is not crying now look." He pointed at his own face and asked her name again,

"Mama twold we should nawt tell nwames to strawngers. I'm nawt twelling you" She folded her hands over her chest and looked sideways, tapping her little foot in the ground which earned a gasp from the other person. What?

"Oh, now I'm offended, come on.. Tell me your name princess, remember you are the one who came to me?! " He tried asking her again, sounding astonishing at her antiques.

She turned towards him with a mischievous smile, she extended her hand towards the man, giving him a toffee which was bought by her mom.
"Okawii, you twake this and i will twell my nwame" She said, more like ordered him while blinking her eyes cutely contrary to the words she was speaking.

The raven head chuckle at her cuteness before taking the toffee from her. He wore a pretty smile which immediately enchanted the little lady. " Owww.. Nonono " She raised her voice a little while attempting to close her eyes with her little fists, which earned a confused and a panicked look from the man. Lord what have I done now!!!

"Wha- what happened princess?? Come on tell me-"

"You awre awngel, ywes?? " She asked while peeking through the gap of her fingers which earned a full turned laughter from the male in front of her. And now she was in aweee,

"OOh miii.... Awngel uwncle!!! Mama look I fwound a awngel!!! " She shouted which made the man panic again but before he could try anything, he was saved by a lady who seemed to be the little bub's mom.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I'm really sorry if she has caused any trouble for you. I literally turned aside just for a second and she fleeted away!" Her mother bowed again and again while taking the hold of the little girl.

"No no, she was the sweetest. She didn't trouble me dont worry" He said while smiling charmly which again made the little girl to gasp and swayed her hands making her mom to pick her up.

" What's wrong Ji-" She was cut off by the little girl closing her mom's mouth while shouting "mama! Why awre you twelling mi nwame to a strawnger??!! "

Making both the people sigh in tiredness, her mom shook her head before thanking jungkook again before turning to leave the place.


"Bye bye awngel uwncle!!! Swee you!!! " She yelled at the top of her lungs and took the neck of her mom in a tight hold hinding her face in her shoulder.

He was looking at her till the little girl was out of his sight, with a wide smile adorning her face, he shook his head while keeping the toffee in his pocket, before sighing and walked towards his car and taking a ride to the mansion.

He reached the mansion in the noon, he dragged himself to the bedroom before falling on to the bed and was slipped to a slumber. When he woke up it was 8.30 in the night, his stomach growled as he hasn't took any food in the lunch. So he carried himself to the kitchen, looking through the ingredients in the kitchen cabinet. After some minutes, he finally made some pancakes as he was already running out of energy so he settled for a simple dinner.

For a flash second he considered making some for the elder, but again he scolded himself for thinking of doing something of the elder. He finished his dinner while sitting on the couch , watching something on the TV. He was checking at the door unconsciously as the clocked ticked 10.30, a frown made a way to his face thinking of the certain someone who haven't reaches the house till now. The kims usually closes at 8 , isn't ?

As soon as the thought crosses his mind he jerked as if he touched some current. He turned on his phone, scolding himself for forgetting to turn it on as soon as he reached the house. He found a couple of missed calls from yoongi whom he assumed would have called him for scolding. He took a mental note to cool down the man tomorrow. While skimming through the call logs, his eyes caught a single missed call from jimin, he don't know why the elder call him out of nowhere, he dont want to involve in any other arguments for the day. So he kept the device carelessly on his lap before turning off the tv. Within the next few minutes, he dozed off on the couch in the same uncomfortable situation. Why was he even sleeping here in the living room?
Who knows?!

But sure he will be surprised to find himself on his bed the next day;)


We are going to get many taekook interactions from the next chapters! Thanks for patiently reading and supporting my work.

Love you all, never doubt your worth!

Please vote, that will boost my confidence !


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