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Jungkook is in his office, playing with the paper weight laying on top of piles of papers. His mind wandering towards the words taehyung uttered this morning, he should have been happy right? The elder told him the project will be over in two  months, he would get the whole profit to himself, he can get rid of the elder, no need to see his annoying face again, no need to look at the face of a murderer. But why does he feel hollow inside? With questions filling his mind, he can't even do something productive.

It was right after the lunch, yoongi came  to his cube to inform the arrival of Taehyung in the company. He was not surprised to the information as he already know, the project they both have been working requires both their presence, but he don't know what made him a little restless, may be the elder was coming to the company after a week or it has something to do with the little speech the elder gave this morning. But before he could engross in his thoughts further he heard another knock, he gently signed yoongi to move out and uttered a quite 'come in'.

" Good morning jungkook-shi, we have very little time, I would like you to show me my office, so i can start my work. " His voice was dripping with professionalism which made the younger to take a breath.

"Huh? " His mind didn't register the words, and taehyung voiced out again,

" Last time i was here, you told me you will arrange a office for me? Can you tell me where it is? " That's when the younger caught everything,  to be honest he forgot about the office, which he told the elder that will be arranged,

"It will take some time to arrange one for you, may be a week-" He was interrupted by the elder.

" Oh that's okay, till then I'll take a cubicle from the marketing department, josh told me the cubicle next to him was vacant, I would make use of that " Without giving a chance for the younger to reply, he took steps towards the door, but he was caught Offguard, when the younger spoke with authority all of a sudden.

"No one is going to that cubicle Mr. Kim. We are partners in this project, and i want you to take the couch and the desk on the other side of this office till your own gets ready. I wouldn't want people to speak of me as a person, who can't give his 'husband' a working space now, can i? "
Taehyung  can't pin point the tone of the younger which made him more conscious.

"If that's your problem, I can work from my own company-"

"Shut the fuck up and take the couch Kim, I'll ask yoongi to arrange a laptop for you" The words were pronounced with much author which made him shudder and also hate the younger.

"You fuckin have no say in this jeon, I'll have my own way-

He was pinned to the nearby glass wall by none other than the jeon jungkook,  which caused him to hit his head little in the wall due to the sudden movement,

" You are wrong Kim. Fucking wrong. Its my company where you are standing now and i have my say in everything you do,  you know why? " He leaned towards the elder's ear, and whishpered "cause you are my husband-"

But the position was swapped in a second, words yet to complete.

"Just in papers" Now those words flew from the elders mouth without second thought surprising both the younger and himself.
His eyes diverted outside the office, where he could see a swarm of workers, oogling at them through the glass door, the bind was not on,


The people outside were enjoying the damn show, thinking it was romantic,

You know? Video without audio always was misinterpreted.

He cleared his throat, while pulling back, adjusting his coat, he turned to the other side to avoid those swarming eyes at him.

Jungkook was brought out of his daze, when he heard the elder. He quickly composed himself, taking some steps ahead of the elder,

" Even if it's just papers. " Those words ignited anger inside the elder, what does jungkook thinks of himself. But he don't want to cause any scene in front of their staffs, hence he gave a fake sluttery smile,

" You are being a jackass, you know that jeon? I can't even understand you anymore " It's literally true that he can't understand the younger. The younger hated him, then that's how it should be. But his actions confuse the hell outta him.

Jungkook with the intention of lashing out at the elder, turned towards him, only to witness the eyes if his staffs on him. But as soon as his eyes caught them, they started pretending to work on something. At the same time his eyes caught the sluttery smile of the elder, which ignited something inside him.

"Why don't we give my staff something"  He asked with a smirk, earning a comfused glace from the elder, his eyes became big like a deer caught in light, filled with innocenc-

Breaking his thoughts, with a quick step he crashed the elder's back with the glass wall, keeping his hand on his head this time, it's just came out of instinct, cause why would he want to protect the other? Right?

Taehyung had no time to process when a pair of lips came crashing into his. His eyes were wide open, of the shock.

Jungkook don't even know what was ge doing, his other hand taking a grip of the elders waist, when he felt the other resisting in his hold.

But the resistance was not caught by the staffs who cooed at them, and left from the place to give some privacy to the married couple.

It was then, jungkook was pushed off  and was met with a pair of glossy red eyes, filled with disappoinment and anger.

"That's what I said earlier. You can never understand me jungkook. " He need time to calm himself. He caught the door knob,

"I'll use the couch till my office was ready. But you don't always need to play cheap  tricks to entertain your staffs jeon. I'll be off for an hour or two"

The door was slammed close.

The air inside the office was quite heavy.

What the heck did I do?


Yes. What the heck did our kookie did?

It's bad right??

Thanks for reading my work! I appreciate you all for coping up with my random updates.
I don't know I was feeling so low for the past months, my mental health was being spoiled.

I've even though of Discontinuing the books and take a break from wattpad. But it's because of you people, I'm writing this. I thank you all so much for supporting me. I'm trying to end this book as soon as possible and quit this app, I've already stopped reading ffs here, I'm. Only writing now, all for your sweet little comments.

But I'll try not to rush, and give the full story line without spoiling your Interest.


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