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Days seems to move very slow. It's been two whole weeks after the incident, the panic attack. The elder CEO's life seeming eventless. Everyday being the same, waking up before the younger does, skipping breakfasts, spending the whole day in his office trying to finish all the works and getting shit tired, taking some takeouts for lunch and dinner, and going to the mansion just to sleep like a log. And continue the same cycle for the next day.

During these two weeks, he successfully avoided seeing or going near the younger. This is going to end in an year and so there is no need to increase his hopes of having the younger back with him. Whatever happened in the past, nothing is going to be changed so why? He always wanted to prove himself to his hyungs ,to end all these miseries. But a mere thought of them didn't having trust just to ask him whether what they heard is true or not angered him, and that's the reason he never thought of explaining things to them by his own, he waited for them to ask him.. He waited for them to give a chance to explain... He waited for them to trust him enough. But no... Nothing happened. Everyone trusted what they heard. They trusted what he told them. Hence, he stopped. Stopped approaching them. He tore himself from others. He fled to a unfamiliar land. Transferred in the middle of his university. He spent the last two years, in US finished his uni and stayed there handling their US branch just to avoid meeting these people again.

But you know what fate does?

It's not like all his hyungs left him... There is one! Jimin, his soulmate, that man trusted him to the core, never left him even after all those tragedy. He knew... Taehyung was the one who was experiencing the biggest loss out of everyone. He stayed with him, and always asked him to tell his side of story, which taehyung never did. Why? Of course Taehyung wanted his hyungs to trust and ask him the truth... But he don't want jimin to know that. He know jimin would be devasted among all the others if he ever knew the truth. He never had the strength to do that...

Afterall he and his family lived that tragedy. He don't want another soul to break. He always known jimin was heart broken too, but he didn't think about the other at that time.

He became a coward, fled to another continent over a night. And that's when jimin had cut all the ties with him. Jimin has always been an angel to taehyung.. He needs to apologize to that man.. He wanted a shoulder to lean on. May be he should tell him the truth this time. But is it worth it? After that day at hospital the elder CEO was constantly thinking of confronting his friend once again. He feels so selfish for doing this. Confronting the elder after 5 years just because he is desperate for having his friend back.. But that should not stop him. He made a mental note to approach the elder within some days.

With many more thoughts he unlocked the mansion main door before slipping himself inside. But what surprised was, there is no trace of the younger, usually the younger CEO comes to the mansion at 8 and Taehyung comes past 10 purposefully just to avoid bumping into the other man. But it's almost 11 when Taehyung entered the mansion, and he couldn't find that man inside.

'Maybe he has some extra work today' with the thought crossing his mind, he found himself inside his bathroom doing the usual routine. After 20 minutes of warm shower, he wore some loose shirt and a grey sweatpants before dashing downstairs for dinner.


He sighed before walking towards the dining table, he started opening his takeouts when an unsettling feeling brazed his stomach.
'Is something wrong ? Why didn't he arrive yet? '
He can't find himself eating while the younger is not even in the house.. And it's past midnight.
'Should I call him? '
Fumbling with his phone, his eyes were fixed on the front door expecting the man he was waiting for to come as soon as possible.

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