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Time seemed to stop for both the men who were being dragged by their parents to the make shift stage in the middle of the venue.

"Thanks for everyone who blessed the event by attending it in a very short notice" Mr Kim said in the microphone looking at his friend to announce the start of the event. With a big grin, Mr. Jeon took the microphone from his friend and cleared his throat and,

"I welcome you all , thanks for your gracious presence! We are here to celebrate the first month anniversary of our sons' wedding! " As soon as those words escaped his mouth the whole venue became silent, only the sound of waves are heard.

Jungkook and Taehyung's marriage was kept secret to the public and media till date, their parents don't know why their boys took this decision, but still supported them. Even today, the whole beach was booked for the event to restrict any commoners to accidentally witness the event. And media was also not given permission to cover anything , they are also restricted. It was said that it is a private event of the jeons, so media was not allowed. However, Mr Kim and Mr Jeon arranged a press meet as soon as the event ends, they want their boys to expose their marriage today, however if they don't want that, the elder males are not going to pressurize them, they can cover the media with some other bullshits  regarding the business and make them to buy that lie from them.
If the news of their boys marriage comes out today, it is going to change everything in the business world for both their companies. The biggest powers in the business world becoming one whole kingdom!

But all they can do is, to wish.

To with for their boys to tell the world for good.

The silence was so uncomfortable that it irked the boys who were in their own world. Nothing registered in the pretty head of theirs from the second both got off at the venue.

Jungkook was standing like a statue beside his dad, who was now pouring champagne in the glass flute for the toast, Mr Kim took the matter in his hands, decided to break the ice by giving some information regarding the event to the few people present in the venue.
Yeah, there are hardly hundred persons in the venue, all of them are very close to the jeons and the kims, only they were invited.

"I know this comes out as a surprise to you all, we, the kims and jeons were always been good friends that only few people like you from this industry knows, and hence you all are invited. We gladly announce our sons are married to strengthen the relationship between both the companies as well as the families. The media and public still has no idea on this, we really will try to find a suitable timing to tell them, but until that, this is a sweet little secret between us! " He raised the toast, earning the smiles and hoots of the guests, who also raised them.

As soon as the toast is done, the jeons and kims gave the microphone to the boys before climbing down the stage. It was now, both the men woke up from the trance or whatever world they were in. They were awkwardly standing in a distance, avoiding looking into anyone's eyes. The guests were now waiting to hear few words from the newly married couple themselves. Hence it was eere silence once again. And this time it was more torturous for the men, up on the stage when one of them started to fiddle with the mike.

Yoongi sensed the situation and was literally worked out for his brother like boss.  Both the boys parents were now standing at the bottom of the stage eyeing them with curious but confused eyes. 

Why were the boys so silent?

Didn't they like the surprise?

What happened?

But the silence was broken by Taehyung who was the first one of the two who came back to his senses and was quick to grasp the situation they are in.

"Hello everyone, thanks for coming to bless us for the biggest step we took in our lives. I really want to thank my family for giving us this surprise, I'm really happy now, standing here-" He reduced the distance between him and jungkook while he was talking, no one seemed to notice his slight movements as all of them were awe struck with his words and presence. But nothing can escape from yoongi who was one of the very few people who knows all of this, are just an acting. "-with my other half, before you all. " He laced his fingers with jungkook who visibly whinced at the contact. Taehyung's heart broke at this once again.

Am I that flithy, that my touch makes you this uncomfortable?

"I really can't thank you enough for making time to be with us, at a very special day of ours" He smiled at his parents, roamed his eyes at the face of his in-laws, glancing jin, yoongi who was now looking at him with a unreadable expressionexpression but what got him startled was yoongi's boyfriend, his best friend jimin, who was now staring at him with tears in his almond eyes. Jimin averted his gaze almost instantly when his eyes met tae.

Taehyung was stunned. Never in his wildest dream he expected his best friend here with him on his special day. Whatever may be the reason, whether jungkook liked this or not, for taehyung it is the most happiest day of his whole life.
He don't know how jimin was here, was he compelled to attend the event? But nothing matters to the young man right now, he is indeed very happy today. With a brightest boxy smile he now took a deep breath before looking at jungkook with stars in his eyes.

As soon as he caught the side profile of the said ceo, his heart started to thump faster. He swear he could hear it in his own ears. He pulled the Mike close to his mouth, gulped thickly when the other man caught his gaze. He felt a wired knot in his stomach when the younger male stared at him straight in his eyes with an emotion he can't even decipher.


Oh how much he missed this!

Missed having the younger this close to him.

Holding his hands and looking in his eyes.

With these thoughts crossing his mind he took a shaky breath to calm himself. He was going to pass out any moment now if the other continue this.

" I'm so happy today. Thankyou" I love you He tha ked the guests, but not turning away from the younger. The last three words left unuttered. As he wanted to thank him for today, or just to thank him for standing  beside him even after all the things happened.

As soon as those words escaped from his lips, he could feel the little (not so little) amount of pressure in his hands, which was interlaced with the younger. The said male squeezed his hand, with a surprised look taehyung looked at the younger expectantly but before he could process anything jungkook removed his hand from the elder hastly. Before he could grab any unwanted attention from the guest, he forwarded his now free hand towards taehyung, hinting the microphone in his hand with a bunny smile.

Oh tae was going to die cause of a heart attack!


I know I told you all that I can't update frequently, which is really the truth. Considering my busy schedule I skipped my lunch to prepare this chapter. But I don't regret.

I'm really thankful for you all.

But please be patient with me. Yeah?

Special thanks to BabitaTeresa
May be I got the motivation to upload this chapter today bcoz of her!

Thank u babies❤


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