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"Hyung, why are you dragging mee! Stop! "

"Tae.. Come on! Namjoon is waiting inside" The elder beamed at his brother who giggled at him.

"Oh I see.. Now I found why my hyung was over excited today" He laughed at the embarassed face of the elder who quickly shut him and proceeded in dragging the said male inside the cafe.
As soon as the Kim siblings entered the place the elder Kim ran towards the reserved table leaving the younger at the entrance which earned a scoff from the young male. Wow!

He took quick steps to the table only to find his brother and future brother-in-law eating each other's face not caring the public.

"Can you both stop this thing? Namjoon hyung atleast you should stop this before the workers throw us out ! " He exclaimed.

"Oh hi tae baby! " He left the elder Kim and pulled tae into a bear hug.

"Oh come on hyung, don't act like you missed me! " He accused the elder in a kidding tone and took a seat in front of the couple.

"Tae, you know I'm telling the truth! " The silver haired male raised his tone offended by the younger which earned him a giggle from the other two kims.

"Okok hyung, let's stop all these dramas and enjoy our day. Hyung said we are going to spend the whole day together! " The younger exclaimed and the other two man nodded their heads at the adorable male in front of them.

"Of course bear, we will spend time together  until the evening, you have to get ready after tha-" Namjoon was elbowed in the stomach by his boyfriend for almost spoiling the surprise to his brother. He glared the silver haird making  the poor soul to hide his face behind the menu making taeyung confused.

"What- " Before he could ask anything he was stopped by his brother and was asked to order the food which he done happily.

The day was spent very happily by the trip, tae was feeling peaceful after all those things that happened in the past month. It was 3.40 in the evening when they were back at their family house for some 'family time'. He met his parents, ate quite a lot with his brother and brother- in - law. It's 4.30 he was chilling in his room when jin knocked at his door
Inviting himself . Taehyung rolled his eyes at his hyung, but the elder was quick to pull him out of his bed and push the confused male towards the bathroom.

"Hyung, what are you doin'?" Taehyung asked hurriedly, jin was panicking internally to lie to his brother,

"We are going for shopping tae, take a bath and get ready hm? "

"Why shopping suddenly? Oww- stop! " He whined at his brother who pulled his ear for questioning back. (No replying back to elders in the Asian household. Replying back means you are arguing🙂)

He accepted his fate and entered his bathroom to take a shower and to get ready, mentaly pitying himself for being the prey for his brother's mood swings.
As soon as he entered the bathroom, jin rushed downwards to tell their parents to get to the venue as soon as possible for the preparations. The elder jeans were already at the venue so Mr and Mrs Kim without delay took their car and headed towards the venue not forgetting to tell his elder son , not to break the surprise at his younger son.

The car headed off, jin speded to his room took a bath, put some decent clothes and a lot of makeup, when the younger met his brother strolling in the living room in this attire, he saw him like his brother has grown some horns, like who the hell puts makeup to shopping that too like attending a grand celebration, not to forget in those simple clothes.

When he asked his hyung about the same the elder smacked him, telling  a ' my life my rules, I'll go however I like' making his brother cringe at him. He dragged the younger to the car and within the next 30 minutes taehyung found himself trying a designer suit because his brother pushed him inside the trial room with a suit  which looked like it was specially stiched for him as all the measurements were perfect. He was not given time to think as his hyung locked him inside telling the room telling that he will not open until he tries that. So without further arguments the younger complied the other's request (more like order).

Fate's whisperNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ