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     Oh fate;

       Things changes, sometimes for the betterment and sometimes to return back to the cruel reality.  For Kim Taehyung, it's the second one. He never knew life will take am awkward U turn, and bring him back to where it all started. A ridiculous turn, when he least expected it.

      Marriage is amazing. Marrying the love of your life is marvellous. But, what if that some one, the love of your life never loved you... Oh to be more  precise hates you. Hates you for something you never did. For something you were never aware of.

     The car came to halt,  in front of a huge gate which opened within next few seconds whith some sensors beeping. Parking his car, he was not surprised when he didn't find any other vehicle beside his. Of fucking course.

    He sighed for the million th time today.
The young ceo was very tired to think of anything right now, hence he was here, now standing in the living room of the mansion. No we can't call the mansion a massive one. But for sure it's elegant and comfy.

     There are 3 guest bedrooms beside theirs in the first floor. A spacious kitchen, an office , a gym at the ground floor. A nice swimming pool at the back yard, there is also a gazebo, a vintage one in the mid of the beautiful lawn, with small potted flowers here and there.

    The living room has a huge chandelier, which is made of gold and purple shaded glasses, overall Kim Taehyung is in love with the new place, yes place. Taehyung can never consider this house as home. He strongly believe that, a home  is always a person. His person.

    The house was already furnished with royal but simple items. Oh.. He forgot to mention his favorite spot. The balcony. Spacious balcony, which was attached with the master bedroom as well as the guest room next to it. The other two guest room are opposite to theirs, which also has a balcony. But he was so mesmerized by the view he is getting from the balcony of his.. Oops their room. He can see the swimming pool from there, not to mention about the sunset view, he is experiencing right now.

      Their stuffs were already moved two days before by their men. So there is no need to unpack anything right now except the backpack he is carrying now. It contains the things which were precious to him, the things which were close to his heart. On of those is his diary, the next thing is a box, a small one which can be fitted in his palm, um.. A jewel box to be precise and the last thing is a photograph. No not a framed one... A simple photo which contains a group of 8 boys laughing carelessly at the world.

    A lonly tear slipped past his eyes on the photo he was holding, he let out a humorless chuckle before putting all those things in his bag again before zipping it. He decided to freshen up before the younger show up at the house, he kept the bag on the king sized bed, before opening his side of the closet picking up a towel and some clothes before vanishing into the bathroom.

      He was almost finished, when he heard the sensor inside the house beeping once, indicating some one was entering the mansion. He know who it was. He quickly put on his t shirt and rolled on the sweatpants, before unlocking the bathroom door.

     But as soon as he stepped outside, he was pinned by someone , his chest was pressed to the wall, while his right hand was twisted and was locked by that someone.

    He can sense the slight smell of alcohol from the younger. Hell yeah!

    "What the fuck was running in the little brain of yours when you planned this shit, Kim? " He growled gritting his teeth harshly.

  Taehyung is having chills, after all he is hearing this voice after so many years. That too this close.   "What the fuck do you mean, little one?" The older asked in an ammused tone, he knew what he was doing by using those names. Playing with fire was kim's favourite hobby🙂

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