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Jungkook was rooted in the same place till he heared the car leaving the parking. He came to his senses, ran his hand through his hair, eyes not focusing anywhere.

'Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. What am I thinking? Why did I do that! Shit. Shit' he ran to his bedroom to change his clothes took his car keys and ran to the front door. He sat on the driving seat, ignited the engine that's when realization hit him, he don't know which hospital it was.

He pulled out his phone to call and ask someone, but he can't do that to taehyung God knows what will happen. He can't ask his dad, first because he would be on the way back and second he would ask why didn't taehyung tell him which will cause unnecessary confusions which can blow up the entire plan of his. He don't have Mrs. Kim's number and without anymore option he was held at the last resort,

"Hello seokjin-sshi? "

"Yes. Jungkook? "

"Umm, yes seokjin. Umm- I'm sorry for your loss" It was very awkward for him to have this conversation with the elder man. The line was completely silent, he don't want the elder to assume things about this marriage, but he has no other way,

"Seokjin-sshi? Ca-can you tell the hospital name?" He could literally feel the tension, the other person was very silent, he was going to talk again when,

"Seoul National"

And the line was cut off. Jungkook fucked up and he knows it, but he didn't take anything into his head. All he wanted was to be there, right now.
And seokjim on the other hand confirmed his suspection about his brother's marriage. He will have a serious talk with his brother after this.

The younger man didn't know how much he speeded to reach the venue. He reached the parking lot in half an hour. He stepped out of his car only to look at the elder's car which was parked beside his. He took some few deep breaths to steady his breath. He moved towards the receptionist to ask about the details.

He was checked for details as Mr. Kim is a powerful man. He was then directed towards the waiting room.

He opened the door of the waiting room to look at Mrs. Kim who was sitting inna steel chair. Head supported on the wall behind her. Tears were flowing over her cheeks. He glanced downwards to see taehyung resting on his mom's lap. He was seemed to be sleeping.

He moved himself towards the women whose eyes didn't waver from him for once. He kneelwd in front of her, tried to grip her hand with his own,
"Aunty-" He was shushed by her. She motioned towards taehyung's sleeping figure.  She silently asked him to move the sleeping man to the couch placed in the other side of the room.

Jungkook was struck in the situation for a second before he gathered himself and slipped his hands under the knees and shoulded of the sleeping male and picked him up. Carrying taehyung was not an easy task, considering the elder was not light. But he can deal with that. He placed the sleeping male on the couch, covered him with a blanket. He took in the sight of the swollend face of the elder before turning towards Mrs. Kim.

This time Mrs. Kim didn't hold herself any more. She sobbed hysterically, that's when jungkook pulled her into a hug. He can't bring himself to look at the women in this state. It physically pains him.

"He- he left us son, left me, our children" She sobbed hard in his chest, he caresses her hair while trying to stop himself from crying.

"How-" No other words escaped his mouth. He wanted to know how this happened. He don't know how to ask them without creating any doubt. But he doesn't care anymore. He wanted to know.

"Tae didn't tell you? " She withdrew from his embrace. Jungkook couldn't look at her. He can't answer the question. "How would he, he didn't know till some weeks before your marriage. He didn't want our sons to know about this- " She hiccuped closing her mouth to avoid sobbing hard. That's when  jin entered the room while talking to someone over the phone. His tired eyes met jungkook who don't know how to face the elder.

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