Edwin the Unhelpful

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Rick looked ready for war when they arrived back at the scrapyard with Michonne rolling her eyes at the man. Just by looking at all the people scattered around the yard, Amy knew that tensions were high. She wasn't sure what the man had been saying, but she had a feeling he had not gotten with the program at all.

"Now, that we are reunited-" Rick didn't even wait until everyone had exited the vehicles but stumbled slightly when Herschel did not rush to be by his side. Instead the man walked with Patricia and Maggie back to his youngest child. "Now that we're reunited, I think we need to come up with a plan. We were blindsided by that herd and it can't happen again so-"

"Edwin, get a gurney!" Amy ignored the man making a speech to no one in particular.

There was a rush of people who ran right by Rick, eager to see that the girls were okay. Surprisingly, Carol was in the back of the group, just watching with trepidation. Daisy was in her mother's arms, sobbing at the news of her father losing his arm. Jamie stayed glued to Amy's side even when Emma and Billy elbowed their way through the crowd. The blonde glanced back to the line of cars and found Miranda crying with Braden in her arms.

"What happened?" Edwin asked when the crowd finally parted for him to arrange the gurney beside the sprinter.

"She got hit in the head." Amy said in a low tone as she backed up to allow Daryl to help shift Sofia out of the van. "Patricia had to knock her out with chloroform to get her to come with us. Wouldn't stop whining for Wendy."

"Color's good, pulse steady." Edwin mumbled even as he pushed the gurney back towards the med bus. Duke was waiting by the back where he let the steps down to make it easier for them.

"I can help." Patricia offered, glancing around the med bus curiously. The older woman looked amazed at the transformation, since she had been focusing on Beth for the last week.

"Come on, Jamie." Amy wrapped an arm around her daughter's shoulders, keeping her close. Emma and Billy were anxiously watching them from where they ran to Miranda after seeing an unconscious Sofia. "Let's get you a nice warm shower and you can lay down."

"Amy." Rick blocked her path, a determined expression on his face. "You said we would talk when you came back but it seems to me that taking care of your children is more important."

"Yes, Rick." Amy attempted to step around the man but he just moved with her. "My children are more important than a talk we know will only go one way. You staying here alone."

"You're prioritizing your children over the group." Rick snapped, stopping the blondes in their tracks. Her shoulders loosened when she saw Daryl and Michonne walking over to stand at her side. "That's not what a leader does. If you want to be in charge, you have to keep the other's lives as your priority. I understand if you can't do that but I'm here, ready-"

"Just shut up." Amy groaned, waving an exasperated arm, making him flinch back. "No one is going to follow a man who can't keep their own family in line. Go talk to your wife because I don't think she would appreciate you getting her kicked out with a baby on the way. I told you your choices."

"C'mon." Daryl placed his hands on the blondes' shoulders when Rick opened his mouth, looking dumbfounded. "What you thinkin', girl? Worrying us all sick wit' you runnin' off after a damn dog."

"I'm sorry." Jamie whispered tearfully, knowing that Max wasn't found on the farm made her want to cry again.

"Max is a good dog." He grunted wrapping both arms around them protectively when he saw her tears. "Prolly out there lookin' for you or chasin' Merle around. We'll see 'im again, someday."

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