When Her Friends Are Super Human

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The school was a lot more empty when the large group came for the run. Amy had stressed herself trying to think of different ways they could go about clearing out all the dead. The parking lot was completely clear on the side of the school. It would make things much easier.

"Jaqi and Duke, could you guys run to the concession stand?" Amy asked, more directed since they both were eager to get this done. "The field looks clear but there could be more hidden in the stands."

"I'm gunna hot wire that!" Merle announced, it had been one of their plans to set sirens off on one of the police cars to draw the dead into the field. Another has been a large boom box and speakers they brought along.

"Take Jim with you to make sure it will run." Amy nodded. "While you guys are setting up, we'll be killing the ones on the fence. Make sure your walkies are on channel 4."

The day was cool, which was good since Amy convinced most of the group to put on bulky pads to protect their limbs. Just a few of the men gave her skeptical looks but she wasn't trying to argue with a stubborn Dixon. Mary and Miranda were on watch on either side of the school, looking for large numbers of walkers or people. Daryl and Michonne were her shadows when she led the rest of the group along the fence.

"You made this?" Wade turned the long ice pick stick in his hands with an impressed hum. "More durable than those litter pickers."

"That's what they're called?" Amy smiled brightly, she had looked for them but she could never remember what they were named. "Awesome, anyway. There's a big group bunched up here, I want to make sure they don't slip out and surprise anyone."

The next fifteen minutes made her shoulders burn, it looked so much easier on TV. She glanced to the side at Daryl and Michonne who weren't even out of breath. Maybe she should start to work out with her friend in the morning, she was a machine for a reason. With so many people rattling the fence, more walkers were stumbling towards them but they ended up trapped too. So, it felt like an endless task of repetition. T-Dogg stood slightly behind the group, watching their back for any stray walker.

"The concession stand was a good idea, plenty of drinks and snacks. Too bad about the hot dogs though." Duke sighed in disappointment through the walkie.

"How 'bout you just load up that truck so we can git on wi' this?" Merle harshly retorted, sounding impatient. "We got the car runnin', battery's fine and it's got gas so whenever you slow fuckers are ready"

"How many more can there be?" Hector huffed, his face red with exertion. The temporary fence made a perfect maze trap for the dead. There were just so many of them.

"We're pullin' out of the football field, now."

"About damn time!"

The sirens blared loudly in the normally calm morning air, attracting all the dead that were lingering in the school. Amy was wrong, they didn't wander away, they went inside. It was more than even the hoard on the highway. The blonde took a break from stabbing to climb on top of the roof of the truck. Sighing in relief when she watched Jim and Merle climbing into the back of Wade's dually.

The dead were slow so the four reached the rest of the group before even half of the walkers entered the wide gates of the football field. There was a nervous anticipation as they watched their plan come together, although they didn't know it would take so long. Another thirty minutes crawled by before Michonne ran forward to close the gates, killing off the slowest stragglers.

"Alright, Merle you take your team and look for any vehicles that we can move or have keys." Amy instructed when they came to the entrance of the refugee center. "Andrea, take Jaqi and make sure all these corpses are dead on the ground. Everyone else search the big tents. Keep an eye out, I don't want Patricia to have to take off anyone's legs because they got bit."

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