Wendy's Lessons

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Billy refused to eat outside with everyone that night, in fact he was unwilling to leave the RV when Amy finally calmed him down. The other mother's happily agreed to watch the girls while the blonde kept Braden, Andre, and Billy inside. Louis was excited to play Minecraft so he stayed with the other girls without complaint.

When Billy came back to the highway, Amy did not know how affected he had been by his time in the woods. He seemed to bounce right back after Sofia went missing, he was a little bit clingier but he had always wanted to be by her side when she was in camp. However, when he laid eyes on Sofia Billy turned into a mess, jittery and terrified that she would come after him. So, she knew she had to have a talk with Carol and Sofia first thing in the morning.

Amy was unsure of how to explain that the walkers were dead. Herschel was obviously lost in his grief and in denial but to explain it to Sofia was a challenge. Even her kids knew this, whether their parents explained before they died or it was obvious to their young eyes, she wasn't sure she wanted to ask. So, sitting across the table from Sofia, Carol, and Wendy she wasn't sure how to proceed after Sofia immediately blurted out that Billy killed the ugly man.

"What do you mean ugly man, Sofia?" Carol asked concerned, trying to lay her arm across her shoulders but the little girl huddled closer to Wendy.

"He used his sling shot and killed that man." Sofia whispered, her voice heavy with tears. Wendy looked like she did not want to be there but Sofia refused to say anything until the woman sat beside her.

"It was a walker." Amy said bluntly, looking at Carol pointedly. "Why did you push him down the hill, Sofia?"

"Momma said those kids were bad."

"Your mom said my kids were bad?" Amy took a deep breath when Carol avoided her eyes guiltily.

"She said you were trying to take Daddy away and they would hurt me." Sofia started to cry earnestly, clinging to the scrawny woman. "But I'm just as bad now cause I tried to kill Billy!"

"My kids are not bad." Amy said sternly, keeping her eyes on the shaking mother now. "I think we need to figure out how you came to the conclusion I would ever want anything from a man like Ed."

"Daddy said you were teasing him." Sofia told her when her mother clammed up, looking up to Wendy for guidance.

"Gross." She whispered, her lips curling in disgust at the thought of the smelly man she had spoken to once.

"Don't pretend." Carol hissed under her breath, finally looking up from her lap. "Don't act like he disgusted you. He told me all about you flirting with him."

"Carol, I mean it from the bottom of my heart. I never wanted Ed." Amy spoke softly, confused by the anger she saw in the other woman's eyes. She was under the impression that Ed's death was a relief to her, but then again she did seem really broken up over it at camp. "This does not explain what you said about my children. It led directly to Sofia taking off after she pushed Billy down a hill and stole his bag."

"I was scared!" Sofia insisted, still looking up at Wendy.

"Okay, you know what, Wendy, I think you should go." Amy ordered firmly, ignoring the girl's panic. Her attachment to the older woman was unnatural and Amy didn't trust her.

"I think so too." Carol glared at Wendy, forcefully pulling her daughter back.

"Fine!" Wendy huffed, shaking her dried out hair huffily. "I have an appointment with a man anyway!"

"Please!" Sofia whimpered but she already stalked away, directly to Merle who did not look happy to see her.

"I don't know what you and Ed talked about since I've spoken to your late husband once and you were there. You spent the last couple months running the opposite direction whenever I was around." Amy said with forced patience. "My son is terrified that your girl is going to hurt him so we need to understand how we got here."

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