Amy the Psychic is Just Uncomfortable

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"They are not having sex in there!" Amy didn't even bother to keep her voice down, when she and Michonne arrived with the children to shower.

"What's sex?" Emma asked, tugging at the blonde's shirt.

"Naked wrestling! You're only supposed to do it after the preacher gives you permission. Mom said Judy cheated-.." Billy answered, looking quite proud of himself.

"Thank you, Billy." Amy placed a gentle hand on his head. "Let's hurry this up so we can see the rec room."

"We're conserving water!" Rick exclaimed drunkenly while Lori rushed out wrapped in just a towel. "Cock block."

"What's a cock block?" Emma asked, but all the other children looked up, curious as well.

"It's a bad word you can not say until you're an adult." Amy nodded firmly, while Rick giggled drunkenly to himself. Michonne laughed at her friend's obvious discomfort, moving on to undress the younger children, while the older three had already taken empty stalls.

"You're saying you wouldn't...?" The older woman wiggled her eyebrows with a little smirk.

"The whole point is the thrill of almost getting caught." Amy couldn't help but pitch her voice just a little louder.

"Mamamamama!" Braden gurgles quite happily sitting in the stall he shared with Amy and his sister.

"Mommy did you pack my unicorn jammies?" Emma asked from beside her, getting her hair washed.

"No, I just packed one outfit but I found big T-shirts for you to wear to bed." Amy used a cup to rinse the little girl's blonde curls before moving on to her own hair. How was it that just two months ago she could enjoy showers alone, eat alone...use the bathroom alone. The movies did not prepare her for the complete lack of privacy children came with.

When they were done, everyone else was gone, even the giggly Rick. Billy sat on a long bench in the only outfit Amy packed him. She had completely emptied his go bag, much to his confusion. Jamie was happily singing in the shower while Michonne oiled her son's hair, a content smile on her face.

Unfortunately, all those smiles were wiped away when they walked into the rec room to find Shane backing Lori up against the pinball machine. Michonne was across the room before they could react, throwing all her weight behind shouldering Shane to the side. The man just stared at everyone who had witnessed him trying to assault Lori. His best friend's wife cowered against the wall with tears in her eyes.

"Go, Shane." Amy spat, her arms spread wide to keep the gaggle of children from entering the room.

Before he could leave Daryl pushed his way through, crossbow raised. "The hell is going on?"

"Shane was just forcing himself on Lori." Michonne hissed, keeping herself between Lori and her attacker.

"Please." Lori whispered to the quiet room, sounding hysterical and desperate. "Please don't tell Rick. You can't tell Rick."

There was a stunned moment of silence as they all turned to her, watching as she became more hysterical. Amy made a distressed noise in her throat when she had to wrap an arm around Billy to keep him out of the room and Emma still edged forward carefully. Jamie was the only child not trying to crowd the doorway, she had backed up to the wall looking horrified.

"Amy." Michonne grinded her teeth in anger, turning away from Lori to her friend. "I'm taking the kids back to our rooms. We'll come back in the morning."

They all watched as she swept the children away, right by Daryl who was still aiming his crossbow at the downed former cop. Lori was still crying hysterically, curling into a ball under the pinball machine. The blonde took in a deep breath before helping her up, trying to be gentle as her bony hands grasped at her.

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