Bound and Determined

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It was like he planned it, not even a full day of worrying over the hooked handcuffed in the stables before canon rears its ugly head. Amy looked at the panting doctor in confusion when he rushed to inform the group of women and children making dinner that Shane was taking on the barn. Apparently, he had a whole rousing speech and the rest of the camp ran to the barn like some kind of rally or protest, psychinging themselves up. For just a moment Amy didn't want to care, she wanted to return to the counter where she had been chopping up cans of spam and just ignore people and their stupid choices. However, she couldn't, there weren't any gun shots yet, maybe she could stop them. Then Duke pulled up in front of them in the sprinter.

It wasn't a hard choice to leave Daisy temporarily in charge of the children, despite the kids' protests. However, the only one not shocked by the scene in front of them was Amy. Herschel and Rick both had walkers attached to snare poles with Shane screaming at them. Poor Jimmy looked terrified from his place on the ground and the rest of the group loosely hanging back nervously with guns in hand.

"Yeah, man!" Shane ignored the women pouring out of the sprinter, raising his gun at the walker Herschel was struggling to control. "Herschel, you know anyone that can live through this?"

The man proceeded to empty his magazine into both walkers, hitting them in the chest, stomach, and anywhere but the head. Amy was shaken by his accuracy, even with Rick and Herscel directly in the line of fire, the man never missed. Jimmy had to crab walk away, looking very ill and panicky.

"Just finish it, cop!" Merle shouted, agitation set in when Shane simply slipped another magazine into place like he was going to continue.

"Yeah." Shane smiled at the devastated farmer before firing once more, making the old man's knees buckle when his walker fell limp. "Enough takin' in crazy people, man! We gotta protect what's ours! C'mon people! We got the firepower, aint no reason to stay awake at night worrying about those doors openin'!"

"We don't need to do this with guns!" Amy shouted when Shane rushed to the barn doors with an ax in hand. "We can step back and make another plan! We can leave!"

"That's enough!" Rick shouted over her, struggling with the walker attempting to eat the shocked man kneeling beside him.

"You're right, man! This is enough." Shane broke the lock, backing up hurriedly to raise his gun, throwing a confident smile over his shoulder. "Bring it on!"

There were alot more than Amy remembered from her life before. They poured out like oil, slow and thick, getting riddled with bullets. There had only been one actual shooting lesson so far and even if the campers felt confident they were all still beginners except for a select few. Rick was begging Herschel to take the snare pole but the old farmer was frozen watching the decayed forms of his friends and family.

Amy stepped forward and Rick lifted the snare pole like she was going to take it but she just used her hand ax to slice through the top of its head. There was no point in keeping it quiet any longer but it would be stupid to waste ammo. Rick stepped forward with his gun raised but didn't shoot, just looked back at Herschel sadly.

"Is that all of them?" Glenn asked shakily, looking back at Maggie with regret. When no one answered Amy huffed and stepped forward, using her ax to smack the doors.

"Sounds like it's stuck." The blonde stated, opening the barn door wider while giving herself room to move.

Daryl was behind her, his rifle raised and Andrea rushing forward to chase her sister in a daze. It was a little child, probably around Andre's age, trying to pull itself forward. It was naked but the lower half was completely gone. After a while looking at the dead, she became desensitized to the sight. However, just like with Emma and Braden's little sister, she felt her stomach turn and tears burn her eyes.

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