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They couldn't afford an accident so the drive to Mitch's was unbearably slow. Amy wasn't too surprised that they all followed. It had finally become too much. She couldn't stand most of the people with her but she had procrastinated because once they left the farm, she would no longer know. It was easy to fall into the same trap the others did for the last three weeks. With so much open land, she had fooled herself thinking that they could get out at the last minute. There was no way she could follow the canon steps any longer.

Nothing prepared her for what she had to do getting off the farm.

"I'm dead." Mitch hissed, clutching the bleeding bite wound on his forearm.

"Not yet." Amy growled, slamming on the breaks well after she lost sight of the farm in her rearview mirror. The older man watched with wide eyes as the blonde pulled a gerber from under the seat with a determined expression.

Mitch's gates loomed ominous in the dark, Jim assured her that it was secure when they left just days ago but she wasn't taking any chances. Everyone not on watch or the small patrol stayed in their vehicles. Tony and John were great at shutting down mouthy small town cops. There must have been a class in boot camp or something because when Rick attempted to get out of the Hyundai, John was there. It was hilarious, the soldier used his best customer service smile to assure the man it was all for his safety. He even turned to give the blonde a light hearted wink.

It was easy enough to transfer everyone into the four bedroom house after Daryl and Wade swept through it. The Brown's would be staying in the med bus so they didn't mind giving up their own beds. There was a bit of a fight about who would sleep where until Amy snapped that they were all adults but those who took watch shifts would get the beds. Those were the people who needed to rest.

Daryl followed her as she settled everyone, even letting Lori get the twin bed in the spare/stock room. Rick looked like he wanted to fight for the master but Lori walked right past his ass with Carl in her arms, closing the door in his face. It didn't keep the former sheriff down long, he started asking questions after he realized that he would be separated from his family.

"So, you going to explain your plan?" He was dogging their steps all the way back to the living room where everyone was making beds out of whatever linen they could find.

"Rick, lay down and sleep before I lock you in a closet." Amy said with a baleful glare. "I already said that we could all talk in the morning after we get the girls."

"How do you ev-"

"Fuck off." Daryl snapped, making the man back up a few steps when he saw the murderous scowl on the hunter's face.

Whatever message he was sending the sheriff received because he laid down beside a worried Herschel. The old man was staring at his young blonde daughter with worry, she was sleeping between her boyfriend and Patricia. From what she had seen so far, the man doubled down on worshiping the Rick alter, alienating both daughters. As she looked over all the people who lived past the farm being overrun, her heart sank.

Hector, Andrea, and Merle were missing, she didn't give a fuck what Carol or T-Dogg saw. She would not believe they were gone until she saw their bodies. Jaqi was definitely dead, the poor woman being eaten alive because she let herself get complacent. She gave up her chance at a painless death less than three weeks before she died. Lastly, her daughter with Sofia and Daisy. Daryl was waiting for the bottom to fall out, too bad for him. He missed her major freak out, already.

"Holy shit!" Amy screamed after she cut off Mitch's arm. The man passed out against the truck from pain or blood loss, she wasn't sure.

They were not far from the farm but she tied up his arm and prayed that he would last long enough for her to build a fire. It couldn't be comfortable to have your stub duct taped to the side of the truck like that but he couldn't hold it above his head by himself.

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