Goodbye CDC

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"It's them!" Lori yelled from her seat in the station wagon. It took the group multiple trips but she grabbed her son along with Sofia after the first. Others may have been annoyed with her for not helping but their accusing stares just rolled off her back.

Andrea and Dale were running towards them, the older man was ecstatic but his companion was the complete opposite. Locking herself in the back room of the old man's RV, Andrea sobbed into the bed. Her sister abandoned her and Dale denied her an easy death, she never felt so alone in this hell.

"Any idea where we're going?" T-Dog asked after they loaded all the bags, they still had fifteen minutes on the count down but no destination.

"Fort Benning." Shane said decisively.

"Convoy's too big, not enough gas." Rick disagreed immediately.

"Can we just get out of the city?" Amy asked, wiping the sweat from her forehead. Her kids had been transferred to her RV but everyone was giving Carol and Lori the stink eye for lounging in the cars while the others carried heavy bags for a half hour. They needed to get out soon because the grenade had drawn a lot of walkers. She didn't even want to think of how many the blast would attract.

"I know a place." Rick nodded, walking away and leaving everyone in confusion. He walked determinedly despite voices calling after him. What the fuck, Rick?

"So, coma-man is leading this convoy now?" Michonne grumbled in irritation, stalking back to her bus with the nervous doctor making himself at home.

They were only a few blocks away when the blast rocked the buildings, leaving the air hot and oppressive. Billy was riding shotgun with Braden and Emma strapped into their car seats buckled in the back. Only Jamie was left to lean over the center console, trying to plug in her ipod.

"Y'know, Rick." Shane's voice drifted from the CB radio. "The whole point in Amy destroying this truck was so that it could be first."

"Don't worry, I know where I'm going."

Amy's skin crawled as they bantered, like this was a fucking road trip. Like the end of the world wasn't happening all around them. T-dog cut in a few times, trying to make them see sense but when they started singing Daryl had enough.

"You goin' to that ol' folks home?" The hunter demanded.

"Man, you think those guys will take us in?" T-Dog butt in skeptically.

"Are we talking about the guys who kidnapped Glenn and threatened to feed him to dogs?" Amy spat harshly.

"Isn't that farther into the very infested city?" Michonne called out.

"Don't worry they'll take us in." Rick spoke reassuringly.

"Better fo' all the guns we gave' em." Daryl got the last words in as Rick parked his car into a large brick lot.

"I do not like this." Michonne announced before Amy even put her bus into park, Andre squealing quietly from his place on his mother's back.

"Jamie, throw some dehydrated food into a bag, enough to feed everyone tonight and some water." Amy sighed when she looked around. Daryl, Merle, and Jenner were heading her way, looking none too pleased. The young blonde just quickly wrapped braden to her chest with his little earmuffs on. He didn't like them but gunshots were too loud for his little baby ears.

"Mommy!" Emma raised her hands with a pout. Daryl hefted the bag that Jamie was holding out to the blonde with a smirk. Now Amy had no choice but to hoist the little girl onto her hip, keeping her free hand on her ax. Merle made a put upon sigh as he grabbed another heavy bag from the preteen.

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