Merle's Gift

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Amy stepped back to admire her work with a proud smile. She had to cut a hole in the side of her trailer but mounting the coop outside saved a lot of time and space.It was definitely sturdy and high enough so she didn't have to worry about walkers knocking it down. Jamie and Billy were very happy to help, eagerly absorbing everything they were shown so they could use the loud ass power tools. They were disappointed that they couldn't weld but well, something in Michonne's glare told her she shouldn't let them play with high intensity flames.

Daryl had been pacing around the camp, much to Edwin's ire. Poor doctor was going to have a heart attack chasing after Dixons. The hunter had disappeared and headed for the stables with Carol chasing after him, much to Amy's confusion. With a quick glance she saw that Braden and Andre were tossing blocks in the playpen. Her other children were sitting with Miranda while she read a book. Well, Jamie had the laptop in front of her but they were all occupied. So, she decided to follow them. It was a scene from her other life, playing out in front of her.

"We don't know if we'll find her..."Carol cried, reaching out for Daryl who quickly stepped away. "I don't. Please, I can't lose you too."

"Hey!" Amy announced her presence, making them both jump back, looking a little guilty. "Merle will be back soon and knowing his dumb luck he'll probably stumble up on her in the woods. Let's not anger the creepy farmer with his own barn full of pet walkers?"

Daryl looked between the women before chucking the heavy ass saddle down, probably injuring himself more. However much Amy found him stupidly attractive, being a dumbass won't garner any sympathy from her. Carol rushed over but the hunter was having none of it, stalking past her and cutting his eyes at the blonde.

"Leave me be!" He grunted, his words ringing with his exit. "Stupid bitches."

"No, sir!" Amy chased after him, making the injured man wheel around to face her with a snarl. "I have been nothing but kind in the face of you impersonating a hedgehog. Just 'cause you're pretty and injured does not give you the right to talk to me like that!"

"Girl!" Daryl looked furious, ready to spit nails but she just stood a little taller. "Mind your own damn business! Aint nothing here for you if I wanna look for my brother and some lost girl. I aint your boyfriend, aint your kin, I aint your responsibility!"

"You're a dumbass if you don't think even Emma couldn't catch up with you injured like you are!" Amy spat right back, going so far as to lightly poke his side, making him hiss.

"Don' touch me!"

"There's twelve people out there right now! Following your lead!" Amy pointed to the forest, oblivious to the group members crowding around to listen in. "They might not be as good as you at tracking but they can read a map! You'll just increase the number of missing people if you go off without telling anyone."

"Aint no one gives a shit!" Daryl shouted, ignoring the pain in his side to throw his hands up in frustration. "Even the girl's momma gave up! I found her doll, she's out there and I'm goin' a find her! Merle's prolly in some ditch who gonna drag his ass back ta camp, huh?"

"You're the only one who knows how to hunt! Only one who can track!" Amy tried to pushed him out of her space but even injured the hunter didn't move an inch. "How long will you last out there before you tear your stitches? Need I remind you that you were shot? In the head?"

"What do you care, huh?" Daryl demanded. "Actin' like you know what to do. Just some entitled college bitch lookin' ta boss us around. Should be worried 'bout them kids you keep pickin' up-"

"Just shut the fuck up, asshole." Amy snapped at the mention of her children, taking a few steps back with a cold glare on her face. "I thought we could be friends but do what you want."

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