Potato Farmers

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Amy thought that maybe she could relax with her children but just as they were all sitting down to eat Miranda's delicious cooking Shane, Andrea, and Daryl happened. Thankfully, she left informing Shane and Andrea about the barn to Rick's expert hands. She was not dealing with that psycho and with everyone now armed and ready, Shane could hopefully calm the fuck down.

It was not to be.

"This is our lives!" Shane was bellowing when he stormed out of his SUV, Andrea rushing to follow on with a scowl. First, they rushed to the barn, riling up all the walkers and when he didn't get a response from the camp he came to them.

"We can't just sweep this under the rug!" Andrea shouted along with Shane, looking pointedly at her sister.

Oh, God. She slept with him.

"We've already moved camp!" Rick was trying to delay their arrival as much as he could single handedly. He would be staying at the farm house with his family, she had no idea how he talked the farmer into that but he and Lori scored Patricia's old room. "I've talked to the man and we can work this out!"

"What's there to work out, man?" Shane demanded, looking to everyone eating dinner for help.

"His farm, his rules." Jim shrugged apathetically, keeping a careful eye on the widow at his side. Patricia was staring at Shane with hatred, looking like she wanted to claw out his eyes with her bare hands.

Some turned to look at the mechanic in surprise, since he was packed the camp with a fearful desperation that made them look like they were in slow motion. T-Dog was watching avidly, as he hoped Shane would make a move to take out the barn on his own. Many would help but couldn't make the first move. Amy ensured they were informed and had a plan in place before they could panic.

"Don't worry, Shane." Amy sighed, looking to the sky for patience. "We set up your tent so you could still be close to the Grimes family. That way you can keep an eye on it."

"You can't just leave members of the group scattered when you move camp while we're gone." Andrea huffed, glaring at her sister.

"He can move but I didn't think he would think he would want to be far away from his family." Michonne smiled viciously, she had been very vocal when Patricia loudly accused Shane of murdering her husband. It didn't help that she found the weird game Rick, Lori, and Shane were playing very distasteful.

"Anybody seen Merle?" Daryl demanded when he walked into camp, alarming everyone.

"What are you doing up?" Edwin jumped up to drag the hunter to a seat. "I told you that you needed rest with that hole in your side."

"I'm fine!" Daryl snapped, batting his hands away. "Aint seen my brotha for hours 'nd I can' find him on the farm!"

"Hello, walkers in the barn!" Shane shouted when Edwin just rushed to search the med bus and the others looked worried about the missing redneck. "Can we keep on track, people?"

"Keep your voice down!" Amy barked harshly, feeling a pounding headache come on just by the sound of his yelling. She leveled a very unimpressed look at her sister. "We already had this talk when the rest of the group came back from shooting."

"We were searching for Sofia." Andrea snapped, crossing her arms across her chest defensively.

"I'm not Mom, I won't judge. So, you don't need to lie."

"We did!" Shane was getting flustered, looking around for Lori in a panic. Luckily for him, she was in the house helping Beth make dinner. "Searched those neighborhoods outside of town!"

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