A Hunter's Perspective

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"What're ya' doin'?" Daryl's voice cut through the chatter, causing a domino effect of chaos.

Amy shrieked, dropping her outdoor wilderness book and waking the snoozing Braden on her chest. Michonne pulled out her katana, knocking over Andre's block tower. Jamie dropped down hard from the low branch she was sitting on and Billy dropped an irate Emma who started to cry. Even the dog in harness attached to the blonde's belt loops let out a little yip. The redneck looked at the damage he caused but was still too curious about what they were doing in the woods.

He had been watching for a while, seeing the older kids easily scaling branches while Emma threw a fit when she couldn't lift herself to follow. Billy tried to help but everytime he lifted her, she laughed at being tickled. Andre got bored after only five minutes of being outside, wanting toys. The women gossiped about rabbit stew of all things.

"Teaching the younger ones to climb a tree." Michonne answered since Amy had her hands full of fussy baby and whiny Emma. Andre went right back to playing with his blocks.

"Out here?" Daryl demanded, getting annoyed at them playing around. "Don' they got toys out at camp?"

"We needed lower branches for Emma." Amy hissed, standing up with Braden chewing on her shirt. Jamie scowled at the man, rubbing her head. "They aren't playing, we are showing them what to do if we get separated."

"How's that gonna help? Girl can't even pull herself up." Daryl was intrigued, he had not thought of climbing trees to get away from the dead before. Mostly because he could handle himself but for these kids it was a good idea.

"Well, We are kind of hoping she'll be with one of the others." The blonde sighed a little wary at the very thought of any of these kids sharing a fate with Sophia. She pulled a reusable applesauce pack from her bag before turning to Braden with an excited smile. "Mmm, Applesauce baby!"

What came out was orange and slightly lumpy making Daryl turn to her in question. It was Michonne that smirked at him with an eyebrow raised. "It's C-A-R-R-O-T-S. He'll eat anything as long as you say applesauce."

"Smart." Daryl nodded long, his eyes turning back to the blonde busy doling out snacks for all the kids. They shared a bottle of water along with pears and goldfish. He started to squirm awkwardly under Michonne's stare, it was like the woman was trying to read his soul.

"Hey, I've got a question." Amy was suddenly coming towards him with a handful of folding tactical knives like the ones he saw in the back of the humvee. The children sat back on the tree, enjoying their snacks while talking quietly, except the oldest. Jamie was playing with her own knife, opening and closing it to try and do it as fast a possible. "I was talking to the kids about leaving marks on a tree to find a way back or lead us to them if they got lost. You got any ideas?"

"Most people use tacks." He grunted looking away from her to the children. "Won' really notice if ya just carve a check into a tree randomly, takes time ta' make it noticeable for you."

"Tacks?" Michonne asked curiously, picking up a fussy Andre who was just done with nature for the day. "Like cork board tacks?"


When he didn't elaborate and continued looking around the trees, like he was getting antsy Amy smiled gratefully. "Thanks Daryl. I'll be one the look out for some for their bug out bags next time I go on a run. Just one more quick question...when did you get your first knife?"

He actually looks up surprised at that before quinting at her curiously. "Couldn' 'ave been older than the lil' girl when Merle gave me a huntin' knife, why?"

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