New Neighbors

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<Michonne Hawthorne>

Michonne grinned while she hugged her little boy close, loving the quiet moments alone. They were so rare since she had left everything behind. The morning was cool and she draped Amy's Duke blanket over them as they watched the sun rise together. She would be with Hector taking the older children to learn how to shoot. Luckily, Andre was much too young for anything like that.

Her mind turned to the hellish dinner at the farmhouse with a frown. Shane was a problem. She had seen it from the first time she had come to camp. The man had been edgy and defensive even after she explained that she had been invited. It didn't make any sense since there were signs in all directions that lead to the quarry. He was just lucky that Rick was able to smooth everyone's nerves about him. Herschel ate up his reasonable cop act but she could tell few others did.

She figured she would be nice and make a coffee for Amy since she would have three young ones for the day. The blonde was pacing outside the RV, her gaze focused on the old barn that was in the distance. Rick had told the group Herschel asked the group to stay away, something about a weak foundation. Amy had stiffened and been a ball of nerves ever since.

"What's bothering you?" Michonne asked, handing her a cup of iced coffee.

"It's...the farmer." Amy sighed, taking her drink with her eyes focused on the horizon. "I'm going to walk the property for a bit, I just..."

"I know how you feel. This whole place is just eerie, like one of those horror movies." Michonne agreed, sipping her own drink. "They lull you into a false sense of security and then slaughter you in the most unexpected ways."

Andre was so focused on his game with Braden he didn't even notice when she left with the large group. It was a little disheartening that her baby didn't cling to her anymore but it was also a relief. He still had not spoken a word in the long months since this began, Amy assured her it was a trauma response. How she knew that Michonne didn't know but tried to reassure herself it was temporary.

"You weren't kidding." Hector laughed when she again missed the target. It frustrated her that even the kids were picking up on it. Billy was cheering because he had hit all of his targets in less than a clip. "You're a terrible shot."

"I know." Michonne looked at the table for a different gun, there were so many calibers and brands that she had no idea what she was even looking for.

"Try this, glock nineteen." Shane invaded her personal space, making her back away quickly defensively. He only looked confused for a moment before his face fell in realization. Then his face went blank, unnerving her further. "It packs a punch but the recoil isn't as bad."

"I do not like that man." Hector hissed when Shane stormed away, putting on a charming smile when he helped Andrea fix her stance.

"You're not the only one." Michonne was confused by the little smiles they were exchanging. Amy had said she told her sister what they had seen at the CDC, however the other blonde only admonished for her kink shaming. Michonne had laughed at the time but watching Andrea and Shane flirt was like seeing a car wreck in slow motion. She just couldn't look away.

"Amy is not going to be happy." Hector shook his head before cheering loudly when Eliza finally fired without flinching at the sound. He did a very silly victory dance when both of his children hit their first bottles. The only one not enjoying the lesson was Jamie.

"At least he knows his guns." She couldn't help but look at the bottle she had shot in surprise.

After a few more clips, she was still a terrible shot but she could hit the bottle a quarter of the time. It was an improvement and she decided to watch over the kids, who were working with the .22s Amy had found for them. Her friend had planned ahead, finding little holsters somehow. Apparently, children's competitive shooting was a thing.

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