This Was Not the Plan

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This was bullshit.

Amy Harrison knew from a very young age that she had lived before. She figured she must have done something right to get a second chance but in true millennial fashion she was waiting for the other shoe to drop. It did. In the worst way. Her new dad was awesome, loved to spoil his princesses and inherited more than enough money to make sure their dreams came true. Her mother was just the right amount of encouraging and cautious. Lastly, her much older gorgeous sister loved her and never doubted her dreams, just from afar.

It did not occur to her that she could have been born into a world she knew from her first life. Even having read stories of such fantastical things happening, there was never even a daydream of a Hogwarts letter.

So, she continued on, being a precocious but introverted child. Amy knew she wanted to be a nomad from a young age, wanted to live the #campervanlife. Too scared to just go for it in her first life, Amy made it very clear that she would go to college like her parents wanted but after that she would travel and see the world. Her father indulged, her mother made lists, and her sister promised a road trip.

Andrea Harrison looked and acted like her show counterpart, right down to her horrible taste in men and awful superior attitude. Looking down her nose at her beloved bus, a brand new Earth Roamer that her father designed just for her. With high tech everything, heavy duty everywhere, and even a panic button that locked down the entire rv and set off lights and sirens. The king size bed was a dream and she couldn't get over all the storage space. It was a leap and jump away from the tiny converted sprinter she originally thought she would have.

"This is not what I had in mind for our sister bonding road trip."

Well, thats just too bad big sister, Amy did not plan for the fucking zombie apocalypse. Sure, they took taekwondo when they were kids and their dad even took her shooting on occasion but beyond that she had no idea how to survive this shit world. That was why she was currently sanding a much better grill for Jim's truck. It was like something from those apocalypse trucks from her first life, perfect for bisecting zombies and pushing shit out of her way. She couldn't fix that onto her own bus, seeing as it had a reinforced winch. Not to mention she had been using it to get around last week. It was the least she could do for Jim, to reinforce his ride a little.

"What's the point of this again?" Her sister shouted close to her ear, pulling down her headphones in the process.

"Crowd control." Amy deadpanned, making someone nearby snort. She did not understand how watching her work became a spectator sport but she didn't particularly care. One of the first things she built upon getting to camp was a washing machine. Lori was just as annoying as she feared, so Amy grabbed a traumatized Jim to hit the local scrap yard. She MacGyvered a fifty gallon drum to an old bicycle and viola, poor man's whirlpool.

"There's plenty of other thangs around here to do than work on your projects." Shane cajoled, trying to sound reasonable but Amy wasn't canon, agreeable and soft. She was awkward and tended to disassociate when random people came to her for small talk.

"Oh Shane, leave her alone." Andrea waved him away dismissively, laying herself down in a patch of afternoon sun. "This was hers and my dad's thing for years."

"Why wouldn't you just buy an RV?" Glenn asked curiously from where he stood beside Dale.

"It is an RV, just something you would never see on any normal showroom floor." Morales practically drooled, looking over her bus with keen eyes.

Amy glanced around seeing that most of the camp survivors were scattered close to the ridge where she parked her bus. It had a clear view of the entire clearing and down to the quarry. On one of hers and Jim's trip to the scrap yard, they looted a family dollar. They ended up bringing back a trailer full of outdoor furniture to scatter around the camp. Most of the others did not appreciate the cheap clothes, acting as if it were beneath them. However, Amy was able to get her hands on those stackable plastic tubs to fill the large storage bay underneath the bus.

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