Edwin Jenner is Much Creepier in Person

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Jim woke the next morning feeling much better but Amy forced him to stay in the med bus with a detoxing Merle and a silent Andrea. She had no idea what crawled up her sister's ass but she hoped that she wasn't going to go all suicidal at the CDC. There were four kids that depended on her to get them out. The only reason she convinced herself to go was the thought of all those supplies getting blown up.

Shane was poleaxed when Daryl hopped in the humvee after putting his brother's bike on the matching trailer. Then Miranda agreed to drive Amy's truck with a little grin, leaving her husband with their very cranky children. Shane eventually decided to take Jim's truck, finally seeing the wisdom in Amy's madness. They were making excellent time until Dale's RV broke down only twenty minutes from the highway.

"You really should just trade it up." Amy commented, offhandedly letting all the kids out to stretch their legs. She kept the small ones in arms reach but the older two both had their bug out bags and weapons ready.

"I can't just leave it behind." Dale looked at his bus sadly, he began to lament all the plans his and his late wife had.

"Cool!" Carl exclaimed, seeing both Billy and Jamie had tactical knives on their belts as well as little pouches filled with pellets. The nine year old decided to show off by shooting out a window of a broken down car nearby.

"William." Amy stood over him, surrounded by all the small children with a menacing scowl. "What did I say about treating weapons as toys?"

"That...I would have to get through the apocalypse with a butter knife?" Billy stammered, his eyes swimming tears at the thought of his weapon being taken away.

"Exactly, give it to me and maybe I'll let you try again when we get to the CDC." Amy held out her hand. After Billy handed over his slingshot, he shuffled back to the RV despondently. Max whined at his feet before bounding off to Jamie.

"Maybe you shouldn't have given the boy a weapon to begin with." Carol muttered loud enough for the blonde to overhear.

"Worry about your own kid, Carol." Amy snapped peevishly, rolling her eyes at older woman.

"Amy." Lori sighed when she saw tears in the other mother's eyes. "She's grieving."

"Then let her focus on her grief and her daughter, not making pithy comments about others."

"God Lord, woman." Daryl muttered while he followed her brood back to her bus. "Don't you like anyone?"

"I like you." Amy blurted without thinking before squinting at his red ears. "I also like Michonne and my kids and sometimes my sister."

"You're a real piece of work, woman." Daryl snorted, looking away from her to the trees. "So, you think the CDC'll work out."

"Absolutely not." She snorted, shaking her head at the idea of actually living underground. "I'm thinking about how much we can get from the CDC. I know they had living quarters and everything set up, not to mention all the supplies they got from the military before they closed their doors on them."

"So, pack light." Daryl huffed a laugh before walking away with a swagger in his step.

Shane drove up with the back of the truck loaded down with gas cans and the exact hose that Dale needed. At Least they wouldn't have to worry about fuel for the moment. Amy and Michonne filled their beasts just before the failed trip to Atlanta so they had miles to go on their tanks alone. They both agreed that they would have to find some place with wells if they wanted to fill their water tanks again. Spending hours boiling water in the heat was absolutely exhausting. Although, it was October so the cold would be coming along soon.

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