Rick Gets the Gossip

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Apparently, Amy had to communicate better. The morning after Amy, Miranda, and Michonne informed the group that they would be organizing the bags from the CDC. No one argued or volunteered to help except for Edwin who wanted most of the medical supplies stored on what was now being called the med bus. It made sense, other than the large first aid kits he put together for each vehicle, all the medical supplies would be close at hand for their doctor. Hector, Daryl, and T-Dog all agreed to take the look out points on the wall while they worked.

Merle was resting out of the way in the med bus, feeling even worse than he had the last few days. Swinging through moods like Tarzan, his brother was the one who ended up restraining him to the cot so he couldn't take another swing at the doctor. Jim was forced to rest beside him, he was still weak and could not run if there was any danger. The mechanic tried to argue but under the dead eyes of Edwin Jenner he laid back down.

"I think we need to talk about the division of labor around here." Jaqi joked as she watched the woman efficiently filling bags and tubs with supplies. Nearly everything was being placed in trailers or the back of trucks. The medical supplies were stuffed under the med bus, forcing Michonne to officially move in with Amy.

"Yeah, why don't you take these bags and place one in each of the cars?" Amy asked, motioning to the filled military packs. Each one had a smaller drawstring backpack attached with a little red cross drawn onto them.

"What's in them?" Andrea wondered curiously, not bothering to wait for an answer. Jaqi joined her in opening up two packs, pulling out food. Each pack had ten MREs, four one-liter bottles of water, and an assortment of rice and canned foods.

"Where did all this food come from?" Jaqi demanded, about to start taking things inside to cook for the group.

"What are you doing?!" Jamie huffed, ripping the bag away from the old woman none too gently. "It took forever to get all the bags packed with equal food."

"Jamie." Amy pulled her away, taking the bags away from the women as well. "Go help your brother with the birds."

The preteen gave older women the stink eye before turning back to Amy with a pout. "Fine."

"You need to talk with that girl."

"I asked you to put these bags in the car, not tear them apart." Amy sighed, rubbing Branden's sleeping head.

"We were going to make breakfast for everyone since you're sharing food now." Jaqi sniffed with a sneer on her face.

"Sharing food?" Amy questioned, looking at the woman like she was out of her mind. "Between Glenn, Michonne, and I we had a full tent filled to the brim with food for the camp. That's not even mentioning the boxed stuff we kept in mine and Dale's RVs. So, I'm confused as to how I ever stopped sharing food."

"Then, where is it all?" Jaqi demanded, waving her arms around the chaos of large tote containers being moved between vehicles.

"Jaqi." Amy barked, shocking Jaqi and Braden out of his sleep. "You are not on inventory and never volunteered to do it. You went on a single run, which you all came back empty handed and missing a whole ass person. This morning when we came out at the crack of dawn you didn't want to help then either. There's baskets of muffins that need to be eaten before they go bad in the auditorium. Take your ass back there if you can't help."

"That's not fair." Andrea cut in before her sister turned back to the bags she had to repack. "She didn't know."

"Oh, I'm sorry that I was unaware a grown ass woman needed me to hold her hand." The younger blonde snapped back. Her anger was irrationally spiking at the sight of her sister. "This all needs to be done before we can leave, you understand that? While you guys were all relaxing in that tomb, we've been out here doing shit. Why is it that I need to point blank tell you this is the apocalypse, move your ass or get eaten."

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