Where an Idea is Formed

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"So, I've been thinking about what Rick's been saying.." Shane was making a speech about teamwork and what not when Miranda grabbed Amy by the elbow.

"What will you be doing?" Miranda demanded in perfect english, knew it. However, it wasn't the time to celebrate. She knew exactly what would happen if the Morales' left on their own.

"Safety in numbers." Amy stated bluntly, speaking in hushed tones to not interrupt the other discussion. "I know that if I struck out on my own, I would have Glenn, the Dixons, and Dale following. However Jim is sick and so is Merle so it would leave us undermanned for vehicles. I have the silverado and I gave the keys to the humvee to Daryl. Andrea has been catatonic so she's been resting and Me and Michonne have our buses."

"I've been thinking we should go out to my family in Alabama." Miranda pondered aloud, wanting another opinion.

"Just you and Hector with the kids?" Amy scrunched up her face in concern. "It's not the dead you have to worry about, it's people. Right now they are all banding together, trying to survive by any means. You would be safer with us, if the CDC does not work and we go back on the road you can always suggest Alabama."

"I heard you wanted to settle an island, though?"

"It would take more people than what we have. Right now we have nine kids and only...fifteen adults. So, we do need more survivors, more people for watch, scavenging, laundry, watching the kids, cooking food, hunting, etc." Amy said slowly, watching Miranda nod accepting her words. "I would prefer you come with us, cause I know wherever the kids are you'll be two steps behind at all times. You know what I'm sayin?"

Miranda glanced over at Lori and Carol with a small frown, seeing their children down by the tents, rushing through the destroyed camp. Lori was comforting Carol as they stood over Ed's wrapped body. Shane was still talking but she noticed that Daryl was looking at them with squinted eyes. Slowly, she turned to her husband and gave him a careful nod, they would stay.

"We do first aid training Tuesdays and animal husbandry on Thursdays." Michonne spoke softly, spooking the shorter woman and making Amy laugh aloud.

While they were having the funeral, Miranda and Hector brought an excited Louis and Eliza to Amy's bus. The kids were very happy to see the blonde after an entire day cooped up inside. Jamie had taken some of the dehydrated food stored under the bed to make a large pot of beef stroganoff for everyone, surprising the adults.

"This place is amazing." Hector sighed after his second plate of food, marveling over how they all fit around the table comfortably. Amy had just left to bring food to the people resting the Med RV, leaving Michonne to field the questions while the kids watched a movie on the bed. Braden was once again strapped comfortably in place, babbling away about being with his mama.

"So, why doesn't Amy just..." Miranda asked the other woman in an undertone.

"Honestly, I don't think leadership is something she's considering." Michonne finished her plate and took a long drink to think. "She's so focused on getting us through this that it never occurs to her that people are already looking to her."

"I need more direction." Hector announced without a hint of shame. "I asked Shane what I could do to help every day for a week and he just told me to chop wood. So, that's what I did. It kept me in camp with my family but I could have been doing more. I volunteered to go out to the highway to siphon fuel but he told me to stay and protect the camp, leaving me with an empty rifle!"

"Well, there's plenty to do even on the road I'm sure. Amy has a list somewhere, she has a lot of ideas in her book." Michonne paused, considering sharing it with them before deciding against it. "Not just an island or the mountains, either. I've talked to her about just finding a place with fences but she argued that what we would need is walls. Can you imagine? Walls?"

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