Pimp my Ride

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Amy was feeling quite pleased with herself when she saw the effect her words had on the rest of the group. Everyday a large group went out and when they came back it was always with more gas and vehicles. Two days after the other groups shootout every vehicle in the convoy was fully gassed up with a ten gallon jerry can packed inside. She really hoped they found some kind of tanker soon, or even some large barrels because finding a place for all the little five and ten gallon cans would be a nightmare.

Mitch had led a team back to his home, bringing back his impressive collections of tools and the luxury RVs. They were gorgeous and Amy felt a momentary desire to switch out for one of them when she saw the bunk beds but she couldn't give up her bus. It was a gift from her father and even though she had to share a bed with the kids, it had been her home for over two months. The only thing she would change would be the large wrap around dining table but she knew her limits.

"What are we doing with them?" Andrea asked when she found Amy and Edwin standing beside the lined up ambulances.

"Edwin was explaining what he wants to move to the med bus." She explained absently, eyes focused on the large piece of cardboard Edwin had scratched some sloppy designs on.

"I know it might seem improbable but having those mounted cabinets would save a lot of space rather than the filing cabinets and..." Amy waved off his explanations.

"Edwin, if you think this will help you do your job then I'll see what I can do." Amy moved forward to step up into the back of the ambulance, studying the metal cabinets. "I'm not much for carpentry but I'll see what I can do. Maybe ask around if anyone might have worked on Pimp My Ride, would you?"

"Thank you." Edwin didn't laugh at the blonde's joke but he was visibly thrilled practically running towards the run team that had just gotten back from hauling back Mary's stockroom. Amy was very impressed by all the things the other woman had managed to smuggle from her work. There were even two adjustable hospital beds along with a shed full of rubber gloves, thermometers, stethoscopes, etc.

"Mary's sticky fingers are going to make the doctor's day!" Andrea sat down on the gurney that had been taken outside of the ambulance while she watched Amy measure the cabinets.

"Yeah, apparently she worked there for years and the company didn't mind some of the inventory staying in her garage. Since they were so remote." The young woman couldn't help but smirk, very impressed with Mary's hoarding habits.

"So, what's gotten into you?" Andrea couldn't help but ask.

"I want to leave this farm behind and never think of it again."

"So...why don't we? We have the supplies, right?"

"Well, first we have to drain the wells and Merle wants to find a small tank trailer? I've never seen one but apparently it holds a couple hundred gallons and we can drag it behind a vehicle. Then there's the big run to the school and for whatever reason T-Dogg is psyched about the idea of a big yellow bus?" Amy huffed out a laugh remembering how excited he got when he claimed he wanted to be the bus driver.

"I know the itinerary." Andrea sighed, rolling her eyes. "I mean why can't we just leave, now? Do we really need all these things?"

"What's going on? You've been approving all these ideas with everyone else."

"It's just...okay so Shane has been...you were right, happy?"

"Has he been bothering you?" Amy set down her tape measure and notebook with a frown so she could focus on her sister.

"No and that's not even the problem!" Andrea looked close to tears as she twisted the strap to her bag in her lap. "I always do this! I try to invest into men that aren't emotionally available and then throw myself into a relationship without any clear boundaries. He is obsessed with Lori and when he's not sniffing after her, he throws a fit about the smallest inconveniences. I just watched him yell at the water pump!"

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